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Biggest Cloud Computing Challenges in 2020 for IT Service Providers

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cloud computing

Today cloud computing has become a general term preferred by many professionals. Cloud computing is nothing but storing, managing, and accessing a wide range of data and software applications over the web.

Do you know, why is cloud computing so popular?

In cloud computing trends 2020 the entire data has a shield of firewall networks. Without using your system hard drive you can use any tool or software as well as with the software and data is installed in several data centers across the world. Cloud computing services are preferred by a wide range of people across their daily lives. One of the most common examples of cloud computing technology is preparing any of the documents over the web or web-based email services.

Cloud technology is being leveraged for business development, as the results are timely and positive. There are many types of cloud computing like:

The selection of best cloud computing services can help your business to reach new heights while a small mistake can land your business in great trouble. All the technologies bring with itself a set of benefits and shortcomings. Cloud computing comes with its share of disadvantages regardless of being the fundamental strength for some of the leading business industries.

Characterized as ghosts in the cloud, let’s have a look at some of the cloud computing challenges in 2020.

Data Protection

A lot of questions remain unreciprocated about the security risks of cloud technology. Hacking and virus attacks are some of the mysterious threats that remain to be the biggest problems of cloud computing data security. Before adopting cloud computing technology, entrepreneurs need to consider these things very carefully for their business. Before transferring important company details to a third party you have to make sure that you have a cloud security and management system.

As compared to any other IT professionals, cybersecurity experts are more alert about cloud security. Out of 10 cybersecurity experts, 9 are worried about cloud security. Other concerns are data privacy, data loss, data leaks, and violation of confidentiality.

Vendor Teradata conducted a survey which reported that 46% percent of those who were surveyed reported more security without the challenge of cloud computing. Numerous solutions are being provided by vendors to overcome the threats of cloud security. Apart from these, a survey by the crowd research partners shows that the enterprises depend upon the training and certifications of their IT staff and security tools which is provided by the public cloud vendors to minimize their risk.

Handling of Cloud Spending

Companies make many blunders that lead them to increase their expenses. Also, IT workers or developers fail to rotate a cloud event to be used for a short duration and turn it off. Many companies are astonished by the unexplained cloud pricing plans that offer many prospects for concessions that cannot be used.

Companies can procure help from technological solutions for cloud cost management challenges. Cloud computing services like auto-scaling features, cloud cost management solutions, automation, server-less services, containers, and many more management tools offered by cloud vendors can assist you to reduce the scope of the problem. By building a central cloud team some companies are successful to manage costs and usage.

Lack of Skills/Knowledge

All the companies do not possess a relevant and ample amount of understanding as to how cloud solutions should be implemented. There are no tools or expert personnel to utilize cloud technology correctly. Hence it is tough to provide information and choose the right cloud in the right direction. It becomes a big challenge to train your staff about the tools and processes of cloud computing. It is disastrous for any company to turn to cloud-based technology without the correct information.

Many companies strive to overcome this situation by hiring cloud computing vendors or to train the existing employees and get them up-to-date with the current technological demands.

Power of Control or Governance

As cloud-based technology has taken over, IT fails to have complete control over the operation, provisioning, and delivery. This is the main reason why IT fails to provide the required data quality management, governance, risks, and compliance. IT has to accept the traditional IT management and control processes to minimize the uncertainties and risks involved to shift to the cloud.

As the business units, core IT plays an important role in preference, control, and mediation over cloud services. Moreover, third party cloud computing services are offering best practices which include establishing and enforcing related policies. Also, cloud management software is offered by different firms to automate and simplify the process.


One of the threats faced by cloud computing is compliance. This is a hurdle for anyone using cloud storage or backup services. Each time when a company moves its data to the cloud from its internal storage it faces compliance with industry laws and regulations.

One of the interesting law aspects of GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation is that it will aid compliance in the future. As per the requirements of the law, many companies hire a data protection officer to look into data security and data privacy requirements.

Considering these professionals are aware of the compliance requirements of the company they are being employed for, focusing on the responsibility for compliance will support the companies to fulfill each of their legal needs.

Managing Multi-Cloud Environments

Nowadays most of the organizations are not only working on a single cloud. RightScale reports reveal that almost 84% percent of the companies are following a multi-cloud strategy and 58% percent of them have already their hybrid cloud tactic that is combined with the private and public cloud. Furthermore, organizations are utilizing 5 different public and private clouds.

A long-term prediction on the future of cloud computing technology describes a much complex situation faced by the IT infrastructure teams. To overcome this condition some of the best practices like active vendor relationship management, re-thinking procedures, tooling, training staff, and doing research has been suggested by professionals.

Cloud Migration

Releasing a new application in the cloud is although a very simple process but transferring your existing application to a cloud computing environment is quite hard.

Many organizations moving their applications to the cloud reported slow data migration, difficulty syncing data before cutover, difficulty configuring security, downtime during migrations, and trouble getting migration tools to work correctly.

To overcome these troubles, a survey of the IT team players described that they wished to hire an in-house expert, do more pre-migration testing, set a more extended project timeline, and increase their budget.

Immature Technology

Many cloud computing services are at the leading forefront of technologies like machine learning, virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and advanced big data analytics. The biggest disadvantage of using these new technologies is that these services do not meet organizational expectations always in terms of usability, reliability, and performance.

So the only potential solution to the difficulty is adjusting prospects, building your own solution, or waiting for the vendors to improve their offerings.


Those organizations, particularly with hybrid cloud environments account for challenges regarding accessing their public applications and tools to the public cloud to work together. Incorporating legacy systems and new cloud-based technology requires proper resources, time, and skill-set.

It cannot be denied that Cloud computing is transforming the IT Industry. Although there are challenges but if due care is taken these problems are not there to make your IT roadmap stranded.

The cloud has substantially changed the way IT systems function. In the current technological era, the future of cloud technology is dynamic and positive. Layer One Networks can be your best cloud computing services solution provider with well-managed cloud hosting services.

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