IT Consulting

Importance of Network Management for Your Business

Most businesses are dependent on the internet. Whether you need it to run your business or simply need to be online so that people can contact you, running your business without a reliable network is a risk that you don’t want to take. 

A solid IT infrastructure is vital to the success of any business. You need to ensure that your systems can handle the demands of modern-day computing and network management is an essential part of maintaining your company’s IT infrastructure.

This blog will explore network management in detail and why you need it for your business.

What is Network Management?

Network Management - Layer One Networks

Network management refers to the process of maintaining and upgrading the hardware and the software that is used to connect multiple computers. Many problems can arise if you set up a business network — whether it’s for your company or a group of employees — you’ll be able to easily access data throughout the network, such as files and programs.

The importance of network management is something that most SMB owners fail to realize. It is the process of monitoring the stability of your network. When your business relies heavily on the network to run your everyday operations, you need to strengthen it as much as you can.

Network management can help businesses improve productivity by providing employees with proper system integration and an optimal online working environment. It also allows easy access to data and allows multiple workers to share information and programs.

An experienced IT network specialist will offer all of the following network management solutions:

  • Device Configuration
  • Network and Server Administration
  • Monitoring & Troubleshooting
  • Capacity Planning
  • Network Security
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Quality of Service (QoS)
  • New Technology Integration 

Why do You Need to Invest in Network Management?

Network Management Importance - Layer One Networks

As a business owner or a stakeholder in a company, you need to know what’s so crucial about network management that you need to invest in it.

There are numerous reasons and instances where a protected and reliable network has saved companies thousands of dollars. But let’s start with your network security.

Securing your Network:

The number one reason businesses need network management is that they need security. Every day, there are threats out there trying to get into your systems and steal information. 

Many problems can arise if your company doesn’t have a secure working environment. Your efficiency will decrease, and your risk of being hacked or encountering malware will increase. When it comes to network security, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. The more secure your working environment, the better off you and your company will be.

Network management allows you to secure your network, so threats don’t get in, whether you have local storage or cloud computing. Several network management tools can help you keep unauthorized people from accessing sensitive information. You can get the help of an IT support specialist to learn more about the best network management tools for your business.

Optimizing IT Operations:

If your company does not have any network management in place, it can be very easy for someone on your IT team to become overwhelmed by the amount of work they need to accomplish. Network management can aid in resolving this issue by giving them additional tools and resources that will assist them in managing the IT side of their organization.

Efficient Disaster Management:

Network failures can have a significant impact on an organization’s productivity. Downtime results in delayed deliveries and missed deadlines, leading to loss of sales and a poor public image. 

For example, if your website goes down at any point, potential customers may lose interest in purchasing from you. It could cost you a lot of money in lost sales, not to mention the disappointment of customers who can’t connect with you to make a purchase. 

A well-managed network allows users access to their data and applications even when there is a network failure. 

Preventing Bigger Issues:

Network management goes a step ahead and can help you locate and fix issues in your system before they become problems.

If your business depends on computers and network systems, you need to ensure that they are working correctly. If something goes wrong or if any of the components fails, you need to know about it as soon as possible so that you can take the necessary steps to fix the problem before it becomes too big to handle.

Securing your network with the help of an expert IT service provider can help you avoid such problems altogether so that you can plan your work without worrying about any disruptions.

Our Conclusion

If you are currently experiencing issues or want to ensure that your business runs smoothly, it is essential that you look into network management for your organization. It can also help to improve the efficiency of your business. 

Unfortunately, searching for the right network solution can be time-consuming and difficult. It can feel overwhelming, especially if you don’t know what questions to ask or how to make those inquiries. 

The good news is that IT support specialists are well-versed in these matters and are happy to help you narrow down your options. Their assistance can take some of the burden off of you and allow you to focus on other aspects of running your business.

Our IT consulting firm, LayerOne Networks, can assist you with network management and disaster management solutions. In addition, we offer customized IT services and IT support for your business. If you want to learn more about securing your network and protecting your business, reach out to us today!

IT Consulting

How Can IT Consulting Services Help the Manufacturing Industry?

Gone are the days when the manufacturing industry involved a lot of manual work. With the implementation of new technologies, automation has become the buzzword in manufacturing. The speed and efficiency of operations in manufacturing right now are growing at an inconceivable rate thanks to data-driven models and simplified tools.

The cutthroat competition in manufacturing has forced all sizes of businesses to align themselves with the digital revolution. With modern IT consulting service and expert development solutions, companies can embrace the new technologies quicker and help their employees adapt to the new working styles.

As a growing manufacturing industry, here is how managed IT services and technologies are helping to scale and improve efficiency.

5 Ways IT Consultant Services Can Transform Manufacturing Plants

There are thousands of ways IT services can bring a change in a manufacturing unit. It all starts with identifying the best technology for your operations and ensuring that it’s compatible with the rest of the plant.

Once you start implementing new IT solutions and technologies in your plant, you need to implement them in all aspects of the plant to achieve uniform growth — and ensure high ROI and operational efficiency. IT consultant service can help your manufacturing unit in many ways:

  • Improve the Efficiency of the Production Cycle

A good majority of a plant’s success depends on how efficient your plant production is. When you get the help of an IT consulting company, they can analyze far behind the production and look at the little details that compromise this efficiency, and suggest quick and simple IT applications and toolkits that can prevent that.

You can also automate various sections of a production cycle, utilize the new tools in the market to integrate with the rest of the process, and make sure that the final output contributes to your ROI.

  • Integration with IoT

You don’t need to visit the location of your measurement tools anymore with IoT devices.

You can install IoT channels with your critical measurement units to make or break your output efficiency and use an automated control system that intuitively manages production levels.

You also need the assistance of managed IT services to deploy these units, set up the IoT network with proper routing, and integrate all of that with fully functional software. This way, you can sit at the control station, monitor the measurements, and let the software modify the input channels to get the desired output.

  • Automate Compliances

A manufacturing plant needs to comply with a lot of regulations. It can be local, state, and central regulations, not to mention the industrial standardization audits. 

With so many regulation guidelines to follow, it can be a real problem to keep track of everything and ensure that the plant is running within the due guidelines. But with automated compliance regulation systems, you can automate the majority of monitoring the compliances. You can set notification alerts when a compliance requirement is deviated and take remedial measures to keep them within limits.

This could save you a lot of time and help your employees focus their working hours on something more productive.

  • Equipment Upkeep & Monitoring

You can detect any equipment troubles ahead of time with the right IT solutions. 

Whenever equipment fails, you need to stop the operation to either fix it or replace it. It can cause significant downtime, which again contributes to loss of production.

To avoid such issues, you can install IT monitoring solutions to keep an eye on the parameters of your critical equipment. Since this system will have all the historical data of the equipment, you can also conduct proactive upkeep before the equipment starts the trouble. This will save you a lot of downtime that goes to waste. Instead, you can still keep your plant running and perform preventive or proactive maintenance to nip the issues as they begin.

IT Consulting
IT Consulting
  • Protection Against Cyber Threats

Every manufacturing plant uses technology to a certain extent. And with the development of technology comes the rise of cyber threats. 

It’s vital to protect your IT systems against cyber threats with the best of the security systems, firewalls, anti-virus programs, malware protection programs and ransomware prevention algorithms.

Just installing these programs on your systems isn’t enough. You need to regularly monitor the communication, network and device usages to make sure that there isn’t any dormant malware present silently feeding on your information. 

Since at least a part of your operation is dependent on digital means, it’s crucial than ever to implement the best security solutions to protect your plant from unwanted online threats.


IT consultant service can do a lot for a manufacturing plant. From improving operational efficiency to preventing unnecessary downtimes and improving output quality, there’s no limit to the probabilities of including IT solutions in manufacturing. As much as we enjoy the pros of IT services, we also need to safeguard our systems with the proper IT security measures.

At Layer One Networks, we offer security services in Corpus Christi and the surrounding areas that reinforce your digital protection. We also work with manufacturers, helping them to optimize their operations and implement new technologies. If you want to consult us for any IT services, reach out to us now.

IT Consulting

Finding IT Support Service for Small Business? 5 Key Things to Keep in Mind

Do you know how these top-tier corporates are managing their zettabytes of IT systems?

Three words — excellent IT support.

IT support is one of those areas present in business of any scale but often ignored. Companies that give due importance to IT support are the ones that have smooth functioning IT processes.

Good IT support can prepare your business for any new challenges and ventures to create easy working spaces for the employees. Finding such reliable IT support is critical — even for startups.

If you’ve decided to get support for your IT system, then you’ve made the right choice. But choosing the best IT support can be a tricky deal breaker.

This blog will help small business owners to analyze, understand and find the right IT support to build and secure the future of their companies.

5 Things You Need to Know When Finding IT Support for Small Businesses

In 2015, 15% of US adults didn’t use the internet. Right now, the numbers have reduced to 7%, which means 93% of US adults are active online.

Your business needs to co-exist where the market is– online. Without strong IT support, you cannot grow your business in the cut-throat digital world. 

Here are five essential things that you should consider when searching for an IT service provider.

  • The Scope of IT Support

First of all, you need to understand that many companies offer IT consulting services and managed IT services in the market. You need to get your priorities straight to find the perfect support team to help you scale up.

Some businesses may already have an IT team in place and may want support for a limited time. And some would wish for a long-standing agreement for IT support to take charge of specific IT processes.

Whatever your requirements and reasons are, note them down on paper. These should typically be the responsibilities you want your IT support team to take charge of. 

Having this checklist will make it easy for you to talk to different service providers and see if they can meet your requirements.

IT support

  • The Different Types of IT Support

Many small businesses look for external IT support because of the flexible services they can get. There are a few definite models that IT consulting firms provide. It is important to know and pick the one that is best for you.

Firstly, there’s the pay-as-you-use service where you ring up the support team when you need an extra hand or deal with some specific issue. The next one is the 24×7 IT support. The external team will become an extended part of your internal team. This team will monitor your IT infrastructure, fix them, run regular checks, and assist in any future developments.

There’s one more model that’s in between the pay-as-you-use and the 24×7 support. And that is the specialized services. You hire the team for specialized IT support for a few of the functionalities or applications. The duration of the agreement is usually long-term. For example, you can hire a team to run regular malware checks or for disaster management.

  • The Value for Money

As a small business, you don’t want to spend a lot of money on IT support. However, don’t expect out-of-the-world services from companies charging peanuts. 

Analyze how much you can pay for the IT services and the current market rate as a guide in hiring an IT support team that’s within your budget. You should, of course, get the value for the money you spend. So, make sure to ask about the team’s expertise  and if they would be able to cater to the services you require.

  • The Security Measures

‘How safe is my data?’, is one question that we tend to contemplate over and over again.

Many IT consulting firms pride themselves on being the top providers who value your privacy and security more than anything else. And you need to find this type of company to support you.

Ask the team about the different security measures they’ll be taking from their end to keep your data safe. Ask about the authorization protocols and the access controls. Let your in-house IT guy discuss and analyze their security systems. Ask them about their policies and security systems for phishing attacks, malware protection, DDoS attacks, hacking, and data breach protocols. 

This will give you an idea of how much you can rely on them to keep your information safe and secure. 

If you’re already using an outsourcing team, ask them questions and see if they live up to your requirements. If not, it’s essential to make a shift to a new provider now.

IT Services Near Me

  • The Level of Control

With an IT support team, you need to clear on where you draw the boundaries. The work of an IT support team is to ‘support’ your IT operations while the complete control rests with you.

While you don’t need to micromanage them on a day-to-day basis, you still need to check up often, set access limits, and have overall control. An IT support team will help keep the everyday operations up and running and regularly do a standard set of tasks. 

But anything more than should come under your control and guidance. 


Finding that right IT support team could relieve you of a lot of headaches and small processes that consume so much of your time. Keep our 5 pointers in your mind when choosing the right IT support team.

If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced team for IT support in Corpus Christi, Texas, then reach out to us at LayerOne Networks now.

IT Consulting

Biggest Cloud Computing Challenges in 2020 for IT Service Providers

Today cloud computing has become a general term preferred by many professionals. Cloud computing is nothing but storing, managing, and accessing a wide range of data and software applications over the web.

cloud computing

Do you know, why is cloud computing so popular?

In cloud computing trends 2020 the entire data has a shield of firewall networks. Without using your system hard drive you can use any tool or software as well as with the software and data is installed in several data centers across the world. Cloud computing services are preferred by a wide range of people across their daily lives. One of the most common examples of cloud computing technology is preparing any of the documents over the web or web-based email services.

Cloud technology is being leveraged for business development, as the results are timely and positive. There are many types of cloud computing like:

  • SaaS – Software as a Service
  • IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service
  • PaaS – Platform as a Service

The selection of best cloud computing services can help your business to reach new heights while a small mistake can land your business in great trouble. All the technologies bring with itself a set of benefits and shortcomings. Cloud computing comes with its share of disadvantages regardless of being the fundamental strength for some of the leading business industries.

Characterized as ghosts in the cloud, let’s have a look at some of the cloud computing challenges in 2020.

Data Protection

A lot of questions remain unreciprocated about the security risks of cloud technology. Hacking and virus attacks are some of the mysterious threats that remain to be the biggest problems of cloud computing data security. Before adopting cloud computing technology, entrepreneurs need to consider these things very carefully for their business. Before transferring important company details to a third party you have to make sure that you have a cloud security and management system.

As compared to any other IT professionals, cybersecurity experts are more alert about cloud security. Out of 10 cybersecurity experts, 9 are worried about cloud security. Other concerns are data privacy, data loss, data leaks, and violation of confidentiality.

Vendor Teradata conducted a survey which reported that 46% percent of those who were surveyed reported more security without the challenge of cloud computing. Numerous solutions are being provided by vendors to overcome the threats of cloud security. Apart from these, a survey by the crowd research partners shows that the enterprises depend upon the training and certifications of their IT staff and security tools which is provided by the public cloud vendors to minimize their risk.

Handling of Cloud Spending

Companies make many blunders that lead them to increase their expenses. Also, IT workers or developers fail to rotate a cloud event to be used for a short duration and turn it off. Many companies are astonished by the unexplained cloud pricing plans that offer many prospects for concessions that cannot be used.

Companies can procure help from technological solutions for cloud cost management challenges. Cloud computing services like auto-scaling features, cloud cost management solutions, automation, server-less services, containers, and many more management tools offered by cloud vendors can assist you to reduce the scope of the problem. By building a central cloud team some companies are successful to manage costs and usage.

Lack of Skills/Knowledge

All the companies do not possess a relevant and ample amount of understanding as to how cloud solutions should be implemented. There are no tools or expert personnel to utilize cloud technology correctly. Hence it is tough to provide information and choose the right cloud in the right direction. It becomes a big challenge to train your staff about the tools and processes of cloud computing. It is disastrous for any company to turn to cloud-based technology without the correct information.

Many companies strive to overcome this situation by hiring cloud computing vendors or to train the existing employees and get them up-to-date with the current technological demands.

Power of Control or Governance

As cloud-based technology has taken over, IT fails to have complete control over the operation, provisioning, and delivery. This is the main reason why IT fails to provide the required data quality management, governance, risks, and compliance. IT has to accept the traditional IT management and control processes to minimize the uncertainties and risks involved to shift to the cloud.

As the business units, core IT plays an important role in preference, control, and mediation over cloud services. Moreover, third party cloud computing services are offering best practices which include establishing and enforcing related policies. Also, cloud management software is offered by different firms to automate and simplify the process.


One of the threats faced by cloud computing is compliance. This is a hurdle for anyone using cloud storage or backup services. Each time when a company moves its data to the cloud from its internal storage it faces compliance with industry laws and regulations.

One of the interesting law aspects of GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation is that it will aid compliance in the future. As per the requirements of the law, many companies hire a data protection officer to look into data security and data privacy requirements.

Considering these professionals are aware of the compliance requirements of the company they are being employed for, focusing on the responsibility for compliance will support the companies to fulfill each of their legal needs.

Managing Multi-Cloud Environments

Nowadays most of the organizations are not only working on a single cloud. RightScale reports reveal that almost 84% percent of the companies are following a multi-cloud strategy and 58% percent of them have already their hybrid cloud tactic that is combined with the private and public cloud. Furthermore, organizations are utilizing 5 different public and private clouds.

cloud computing

A long-term prediction on the future of cloud computing technology describes a much complex situation faced by the IT infrastructure teams. To overcome this condition some of the best practices like active vendor relationship management, re-thinking procedures, tooling, training staff, and doing research has been suggested by professionals.

Cloud Migration

Releasing a new application in the cloud is although a very simple process but transferring your existing application to a cloud computing environment is quite hard.

Many organizations moving their applications to the cloud reported slow data migration, difficulty syncing data before cutover, difficulty configuring security, downtime during migrations, and trouble getting migration tools to work correctly.

To overcome these troubles, a survey of the IT team players described that they wished to hire an in-house expert, do more pre-migration testing, set a more extended project timeline, and increase their budget.

Immature Technology

Many cloud computing services are at the leading forefront of technologies like machine learning, virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and advanced big data analytics. The biggest disadvantage of using these new technologies is that these services do not meet organizational expectations always in terms of usability, reliability, and performance.

So the only potential solution to the difficulty is adjusting prospects, building your own solution, or waiting for the vendors to improve their offerings.


Those organizations, particularly with hybrid cloud environments account for challenges regarding accessing their public applications and tools to the public cloud to work together. Incorporating legacy systems and new cloud-based technology requires proper resources, time, and skill-set.

It cannot be denied that Cloud computing is transforming the IT Industry. Although there are challenges but if due care is taken these problems are not there to make your IT roadmap stranded.

The cloud has substantially changed the way IT systems function. In the current technological era, the future of cloud technology is dynamic and positive. Layer One Networks can be your best cloud computing services solution provider with well-managed cloud hosting services.

Place your Query, Call us on 361.653.6800.

Happy Browsing!!

IT Consulting

How An IT Consulting Firm Can Help Your Business Grow?

In today’s world when technology has taken over every facet of our lives and is expanding at a breakneck pace businesses must keep up with technology. IT consulting has emerged as a giant industry in the United States put in place to help businesses of every size scale their growth with technology. The complexities that come with trying to manage existing and new technologies help business owners understand how  an IT Consulting Firm can help grow their business.

IT Services have become more important in recent years as many companies look for ways to cut costs by reducing their own in-house IT staffing.

The initial phase of investing in Information Technology Services may not feel cost-effective for a business trying to maintain its balance sheet, but the ROI (return on investment) can be long lasting and worth much more than the initial expese.

IT Consulting Firms

Let’s take a look at some of the important points that can help you make your decision to bring in IT Services  help.

  • You can concentrate more on your core tasks

Let’s admit it, we can’t be masters of everything. Focusing on your core business and outsourcing everything else can free you up to give your organization the time dedication that it needs. Every organization has different objectives and requirements, outsourcing IT Services gives you the flexibility that you need to manage these requirements now and as you grow.

Outsourcing your IT requirements means you can concentrate on your business and let the IT Services Company take care of everything IT related. They will have an effective action plan to take care of any technology roadblocks and free you up to run and grow your business.

  • One Point of Contact

Today with ongoing technological upgrades, there are many different softwares and technologies on which businesses rely. It becomes tedious and at times confusing to navigate among all of the services your company uses.

Having a single point of contact allows you to make one call when a problem arises and get it resolved. Your Business IT Services vendor will have many relationships with different service providers and will access this help on your behalf. This can save your business crucial time which otherwise would have been spent trying desperately to get the issue resolved yourself.

  • Enhance Your Productivity

Businesses can boost productivity with technology by taking advantage of better communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing within your company/organization. However, knowing which  technology will be perfect for your business can be tough. Partnering with an expert IT professional allows you to find the perfect technology to fit your company without wasting time or guessing.

  • Best Return on Technology Savings

A new research report from Accenture suggests only one out of seven companies can harness technology-enabled innovations to its fullest. Also over the past few years, ROI has declined considerably. The main reason behind this is the gap among the organizations’ knowledge and ability to manage and implement new technological systems.

By hiring a good IT consulting firm, you can capitalize on technology-enabled innovations.

  • Get 24/7 X 365 Days Support 

The best IT consultants serve you with constant monitoring of your systems 24/7 X 365 days so that you can have peace of mind knowing that even when something goes wrong, they are there to help get things back on track as soon as possible. Also, monitoring solutions will often help determine the issues even before they occur and allow them to be fixed before they become a problem.

  • Saves both Time and Money

Hiring an IT consultant can save you money because you are only paying for the services you need and not paying for full time employees that may not have full time work.  Also you can save on lost downtime, which can be avoided as you have hired specialists to focus on various problems as they arise.

IT consultants generally charge on an hourly or project basis. This flexibility is vital for new businesses that have to focus on their cash flow.

  • Unmatched Expertise

When you hire IT consulting services, you get the experience and expertise of a team of highly skilled professionals. This team can ensure that with the best available technology you take all necessary steps to streamline your business operations.

Technology is moving faster than most of us can even imagine. Even the most competent IT experts can face several issues as they struggle to keep their organizations up-to-date with recent trends, quality, innovation, and design. This makes selecting the right  IT Services provider vital.

Layer One Networks, located in Corpus Christi is the best IT Services Provider in South Texas designed to help you grow your business. Since its inception in 1999, Layer One has focused on creating and managing cutting-edge technology solutions for small and medium-sized businesses. We believe in a people-oriented approach and strive to support the technological needs of every individual, not just the applications, services or devices they may use.

Whether you are looking to outsource your IT Services or need us as an extension of your in-house IT department, give us a call at 361.653.6800

IT Consulting

Tips to Choose the Right Technology Partner For Your Agency

Are you confused or frustrated about trying to choose the right digital partner for implementing new technologies?

if so, it is understandable as technology has become the backbone for all business operations.

As agencies are modernizing their current systems and preparing for future developments, investing in the right technologies is a great place to start.

A good technology provider can assess your expectations, capabilities and limitations and suggest in customizing and implementing the suitable technologies. Though there are numerous technology providers out there, but choosing the right IT services company makes a whole world of difference. Even if the technology itself is the best on the market, when it isn’t implemented correctly, it can be hard to get all of the benefits out of it. This is where the importance of choosing the correct IT technology provider comes into play.

In this blog, you will get some much-needed practical tips to help decide the right technology partner based on your requirements.

6 Practical Tips to Help Pick the Most-Suited IT Services Company

Let’s be honest about one thing. You already know the basic steps of analyzing, researching and shortlisting the technology service providers. So, we will go past that and look at practical tips that could be a deal-breaker when you are conflicted about choosing a company.

1. Check for Past Experience in Similar Fields

There can be so many limitations when it comes to hiring an IT services company like budget, location, number of resources and more. But the one thing you shouldn’t compromise on, is the experience the company has. Don’t just look at how many years of experience. Go beyond that and look at the experience of companies in your field or related fields.

Check if they have previously worked on similar projects in related fields. For example, if you are a clothes-based e-commerce company, you can check if they have at least some kind of experience working in the field of e-commerce.

This will ensure that the employees will have a working knowledge of how your industry functions and will, therefore, be able to provide better services. Look at the portfolio on the company website and the customer reviews. Some companies will even have use cases listed which will give you better insights.

2. Talk with Project Team and Assess Their Working Knowledge

Sometimes, IT Consulting Firms will have more than ten or fifteen years of experience offering technology services. However, that doesn’t mean that their employees have similar expertise. There are often new employees who are in the learning phases or have just been hired. There isn’t anything wrong with a new employee being a part of your team, but make sure that a majority of the team allocated to your project have many years of experience.

As we covered in the previous point, it’s crucial for at least some members of the team to have worked on similar projects or in the related field as yours. Like most companies, when you are searching for a technology partner, you are probably looking for a long-term relationship so most IT companies will try to accommodate your request to have experienced team members on your project if possible.

3. Ensure the Ability to Accommodate Future Technology Scalability

You may have a specific technology in mind that you want to implement and will search for particular providers who can accommodate this need. However, keep in mind that you may have different requirements in the future and you need an IT services company who will be able to grow with you.

Failure to keep this in mind when choosing your new IT services company, you may need to go through the same process of researching, shortlisting, discussing and finalizing another partner for implementing new technology. It’s best to choose one IT services company after complete research and analysis by considering the scope of future expansion and future technology needs too.

4. Explore Your Team Ability to Meet the Partner’s Working Style

Even when you are outsourcing to a technology partner, you will still have a limited number of in-house IT team present. So, the team that will work from an offshore location should be the right fit for your in-house team.

So how you can ensure that? Ask about the working principles and processes of the technology partner.

For example, your IT process may be entirely by traditional means while the technology partner works only in agile methodology. At this point, your in-house team has no other way but to adapt to agile fast by attending classes and sessions. Assess if that’s an investment you want to make and a transition your in-house team is ready for.

This is just a single instance of conflict in processes. There can be more such practical differences coming up once you have partnered with a service provider. The best way to forecast these conflicts beforehand is to sit and analyze their working processes and talk with the in-house team about their opinions and abilities.

5. Assess the Resources Available for Change Management

According to a Forbes Insights Survey conducted with 500 senior executives from all around the world and from industries, change management is one of the most common challenges in technology implementation. Poor implementation tactics, identifying the right resources, training and lack of performance management are among a few other challenges listed.

When you are relying on a partner for successfully implementing new technology in your agency, any performance issues or preparation lags in their part will affect your business. During such times, explore the ability of the company beyond just the technical details.

See if they are open to offering support across your entire agency with new technologies if the need arises. For change management, you need to prepare and support everyone in the agency for the change. This is made possible through structured training programs which again should be provided by the same company that has implemented the change.

6. Prioritize Data Security More Than Anything Else

Last but not least, the safety of the sensitive customer information, employee data and all other business processes should be at the top of your priority list. While every technology partner signs an NDA now, that’s not all you can do. Analyze the IT security features they have in place like the firewalls and encryptions. Let your in-house IT team take the lead in it, analyze the security and give the final verdict.

This way you can avoid any unnecessary security threats or breaches and ensure the safety of your data.

A Final Word

The right technology partner can be your biggest asset in developing your agency. So, you shouldn’t hasten and pick one by just asking a few basic questions. Don’t stop your research just the internet. Talk to the company, get details from them, have your checklist with points given above and verify every one of them. The right technology partner should be a perfect fit for your requirements and should complement your IT drawbacks effectively.

IT Consulting

Does Your Business Need An IT Consultant? It’s More Likely Than You Think.


If you are already the proud owner of an IT department, you may think you’re set for life, at least on the IT front. Those folks can take care of themselves, right? They can run updates, upgrade software, keep up to date with all the latest tech that rolls out each month, and so much more. But there’s a lot to keep track of in the world of IT management and support, and while we’re sure your IT department is wonderful, sometimes even the best of the best needs a little backup—and an outside IT consultant can do just that.

Here are three great reasons to bring in an IT consultant like Layer One Networks to provide expert insight on your systems and processes:

Solve Short-Term Problems

If you’re getting ready to take on a big one-time project, it may be wise to bring in a consultant for the duration of the project. When you’re implementing a new ERP, replacing major hardware elements, or switching over to the cloud, having a couple extra hands on deck with years of experience can be a lifesaver. That way you can have someone come in to do setup and installation with practiced skill—but you can skip paying for a full-time addition to the team. An IT consultant can help you transition from one system to another in half the time it would have taken you to do it yourself, which can save you time, money, and frustration.

Get An Expert’s Opinion

Most IT consultants have more experience than your whole IT department put together. They represent a team of people who have all practiced working with teams like yours on similar projects that your team may only encounter once every few years. This means that while your team may be able to handle your day-to-day needs, an expert IT consultant will be able to bring years of direct experience to the situation. This means they’ll be more efficient—and can solve problems before they even occur.

Tap Into Extensive Resources

When you bring an IT consultant onto your team, even on a short-term basis, you now have access to a wide range of resources you wouldn’t have otherwise. Your consultant will have spent years amassing the right tools, equipment, and third-party vendors they need to solve every potential problem imaginable, and then some. By bringing in an expert, your project now has access to all those resources too, so that you can rest assured the job will be done quickly and done well.

While hiring a consultant might seem intimidating at first—and sound expensive—it can pay dividends in the long run. When you bring in IT experts like Layer One Networks, we can save you time and money by solving your outstanding issues and setting you up with efficient and modernized systems and processes, so that you can get back to doing what you do best. Contact us today if you’re ready to get back to work.