Desktop as a Service

Why DaaS is the Ideal Solution for Financial Institutions


In today’s fast-paced financial world, where data holds immense value and serving a global clientele is the standard, traditional desktop solutions often struggle to keep up. Whether offering investment guidance or managing funds, the criticality of financial data and the need to cater to clients worldwide demand a more adaptable and secure approach to desktop computing.

That’s where Desktop as a Service (DaaS) steps in to transform how financial institutions work globally. DaaS offers virtual desktops through cloud-based technology, making it a modern solution for users. This package includes a secure network with VPN access and built-in Identity management for protecting critical systems.

One of the key benefits of DaaS is that it frees IT teams from the usual tasks:

  • Predicting
  • Buying
  • Setting up storage
  • Computing resources

This user-friendly solution is readily accessible through trusted third-party  DaaS providers like LayerOne Networks, which offers virtual desktops with a pay-per-usage pricing model. It guarantees uninterrupted access to full Windows-based desktops and crucial business applications. Users can conveniently access these resources from nearly any device, no matter where they are located.

This blog post will explore why DaaS is preferred for financial institutions looking to boost their growth.

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7 Effective Reasons to Incorporate Desktop as a Service (DaaS) in Financial Organizations

The right DaaS solution from LayerOne Networks improves performance and optimizes security, making it extremely beneficial to financial services institutions. Here’s how:

Round-the-Clock Accessibility

In the financial services sector, where transactions are conducted around the clock, being always available to clients is essential. Today’s customers are tech-savvy, using online platforms and mobile devices for their financial needs. They expect their service providers to offer the same level of speed and accessibility.

Furthermore, financial professionals in our interconnected global market often serve clients in different time zones. However, the traditional approach of working solely from local desktops can be limiting. It requires professionals to stay at their desks throughout the day, making it challenging to serve clients effectively when they are away from the office.

Financial services organizations need to remain adaptable and flexible to meet the demands of their “always-on” customers. DaaS solutions, accessible from any device, anytime, and anywhere, empower finance professionals to serve clients seamlessly, whether in the office, on the road, or working from home. This level of accessibility suits the needs of today’s financial service providers and their varied customers.



Financial Services (FinServ) companies are entrusted with highly sensitive customer information, making them prime targets for hackers seeking to compromise businesses or demand ransoms. Not surprisingly, the financial industry is a prime target for cybercriminals.

The pandemic witnessed some of the most significant cyberattacks in history. What is the reason behind this surge? Businesses hastily adopted new collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams and expanded their VPN infrastructure to facilitate remote access to critical onsite applications and data. This expansion was imperative to maintain business operations as close to normal as possible.

However, this rapid shift resulted in employees accessing their company’s critical systems and data from various home routers, Wi-Fi connections, and personal devices. This access introduced a host of new security vulnerabilities, prompting businesses to reevaluate their endpoint security and management strategies.

Competent Desktop as a Service (DaaS) providers like LayerOne Networks deploy security protocols across multiple layers to address these evolving security challenges. This approach includes data encryption during transmission from your endpoint device and secure storage on the server. Furthermore, the network is under constant 24/7 surveillance to detect anomalies in data traffic.

Daas Services also includes robust access controls to prevent unauthorized entry. Centralizing all mission-critical applications and data via DaaS eliminates the risks associated with multiple endpoint devices. Additional security measures include

  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention
  • Multi-factor Authentication
  • DDoS Protection

These collective data security solutions ensure the safety of sensitive financial data and enhance the overall security posture of financial organizations, fortifying their defenses against potential breaches and cyber threats.

Scalable Desktops

Financial institutions operate on a continuous growth path, consistently adding new clients and expanding their services. Hence, they need a flexible infrastructure to adjust to their changing business needs. Traditional local desktops, on the other hand, arrive with fixed configurations and necessitate replacement if the financial processes expand.

DaaS services provide a solution by offering flexible desktops that can be instantly scaled. Because these desktops are virtual, their configurations can be easily customized to meet specific requirements. You can request your DaaS provider to add or remove system resources as needed, providing financial institutions the agility to grow and adapt without the hassle of replacing hardware.

Disaster Recovery

Even a minor issue with your local desktop can disrupt financial operations for a few hours. However, in a significant disruptive incident, such as an earthquake or a large-scale cyberattack, financial processes can come to a standstill for days or even result in permanent damage.

LayerOne Networks, a reputable Desktop as a Service (DaaS) provider in Corpus Christi, offers robust disaster recovery plans to ensure uninterrupted workflow, even in the face of a disaster. Our disaster recovery services ensure your financial processes are copied in various data centers.

Consequently, if one data center is affected by a disaster, your access seamlessly shifts to identical desktops created in other data centers. The shift is so smooth that you might not even realize a catastrophe happened, guaranteeing business continuity and protecting financial operations.

Customized Solutions

Financial institutions house diverse departments, including financial advisors, accountants, HR, customer support, etc. Each department relies on different applications and possesses unique desktop requirements. Procuring various desktop types for other personnel can be daunting for the local IT team. 

However, partnering with IT consulting firms like ours, offering Desktop as a Service (DaaS), unlocks a solution with highly customizable desktops. Through desktop pooling, desktops within a group can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different departments. 

Moreover, desktops within a pool can be collectively configured, simplifying the process of addressing the diverse requirements of various departments without the complexities of managing multiple types of physical desktops.

Cost Reduction

Cost Reduction

Financial institutions allocate a substantial portion of their budget to IT infrastructure. This allocation includes the purchase of physical desktops from vendors, electricity and air conditioning expenses to maintain these desktops, and deploying a dedicated IT team for desktop maintenance. These processes cumulatively result in substantial costs for financial institutions.

Collaborating with efficient Daas service providers transforms the IT expenditure of financial services from a capital expense into a predictable operating cost. Most DaaS providers offer a comprehensive suite of services for a fixed per-user, per-month subscription fee. This approach allows enterprises to pay only for the users currently utilizing the platform, with the flexibility to scale up or down as needed. Additionally, they gain access to a team of experts who can ensure their system remains up-to-date and secure, all without requiring ongoing investment from the business.

Financial organizations can also implement a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, enabling employees to use their personal devices. Since DaaS eliminates the need for on-premises desktops, the associated maintenance costs are significantly reduced or even eliminated. This change in cost structure provides financial institutions with a more cost-effective and flexible way to handle their IT infrastructure. It helps them allocate resources more strategically and efficiently.

Efficiency Boost

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) streamlines the management of critical IT tasks such as:

  • Installations
  • Virus protection
  • Security updates
  • Software upgrades

The process is more efficient and reduces disruptions for your team. Gone are the days when IT teams had to intervene with individual machines to resolve issues physically. Many of these crucial tasks can now quietly operate in the background, often without end-users noticing.

Additionally, financial professionals often find themselves juggling multiple applications simultaneously, each of which consumes system resources. Traditional desktops become outdated and need regular replacement. 

However, DaaS providers implement an advanced High-Performance Computing (HPC) environment for virtual desktops. This setup allows multiple applications to run simultaneously, improving performance. As a result, financial professionals can work efficiently without system delays or resource restrictions, boosting overall productivity.

Ready to Transform Your Financial Services with DaaS?

Desktop as Service (DaaS) has emerged as a game-changer in IT solutions, offering tailored desktop experiences to diverse industries worldwide. The financial sector is no exception, as it’s rapidly realizing the unmatched agility and efficiency that DaaS brings to financial services. 

Many prominent players in Corpus Christi’s financial landscape, including investment firms, banks, private equity companies, accounting firms, and insurance providers, have already chosen to partner with LayerOne Networks to leverage the benefits of DaaS.

If you’re eager to unlock these benefits and streamline the growth of your financial services, the time to act is now. By partnering with us, you can harness the agility, security, and cost-efficiency of Desktop as a Service to stay ahead in the competitive financial landscape. 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity – contact us today to initiate the transformation of your financial institution.

Managed IT Services

Save Money by Outsourcing 3 Major Business Services to Managed IT


Whether you’re running a thriving business or a small startup, you always get bogged down by various tasks that are not your core competency. And with technical stuff popping up daily, you may find yourself involved more with devices and software than with your customers.

But not to worry; to help you streamline your processes and get your business back on track, we have compiled a list of 3 business services you can outsource to Layer One Networks, the best managed IT services providers around.

Data Back-up in the Cloud and Locally:

Data Back-up in the Cloud and Locally

Your day-to-day business function relies on the smooth data flow to and from your devices. But what happens when that smooth data stops circulating? You run into BIG trouble!

Losing data means you cannot get work done effectively, have to start from scratch or even lose out on important clientele. Downtime for even a couple of hours can not only cost you dearly in today’s fast-paced business world, but it also showcases your company in a negative light.

If your business depends more on local servers for data storage, you might consider backing up your data in the cloud. Generally, businesses that invest in both are more prepared and protected against data loss. How – local backup keeps you more agile in case of accidental data deletion. Although slow, the cloud backup is more secure and offsite protects your data from physical damage.

But why is outsourcing this critical service to managed IT services like ours the best idea?

For starters, we will be able to suggest the best possible data backup solutions for your business. And in case of any data loss, our disaster recovery services will have you back up and running in no time!

Broadly when you outsource your backup management to a professional that knows how to do it best, you are cutting the risk of data loss to a bare minimum. Although outsourcing may cost you some money upfront, it is a small price to pay when you compare it with the cost of losing important data.

IT Security that Provides you Round the Clock Protection from Online Threats:

Managed IT Services in Corpus Christi - Layer One Networks

The internet is a blessing and a curse. It has given us the platform to reach out to new customers and help our businesses grow. But it’s also susceptible to various online threats like malware, viruses, phishing attacks, etc., which can infect our systems and leak important company data.

It generally takes six months on average for a company to detect a data breach. Now imagine for six months, your customer’s data was with some outsider without you knowing it. SCARY right?

Not just that, data breaches can cost you money in two ways. Firstly, if your breach results in your customers losing faith in your company, you are bound to see a drop in sales and customers. Secondly, you may also attract hefty fines from not-so-friendly government agencies. Penalties usually depend on the nature and size of the data that was compromised, so you cannot predict how big of a hit you will have to take.

Partnering with Layer One Networks, a reliable IT consulting firm well versed in the latest IT security threats and solutions, can help you get around these problems.

Our team of IT experts will install the best possible security solutions for your business and keep track of any online activity on your systems 24/7. So in the event of a security breach, the damage is mitigated before it gets too out of hand.

Outsourcing IT security to managed IT services in Corpus Christi will also help you stay updated with the latest security trends and solutions without breaking your bank!

IT Support That Saves You Time and Money:

IT Support - Layer One Networks

You are in serious trouble if your business lacks any IT support, be it in-house or managed IT services.

Although small to medium size businesses see technology as a big priority, they usually lack the budget and expertise to invest in an in-house IT team. So what do they do? They try to manage everything independently or hire some random “computer guy” from the neighborhood to help them with their IT problems.

Managing your business’s IT needs on your own or hiring someone with no expertise in the field can cost you time and money, which you cannot afford to lose.

So what is the best way forward? The answer is simple – OUTSOURCE your IT support needs a reliable and reputable IT consulting firm like Layer One Networks.

Our team of IT experts will not only help you with your day-to-day IT problems but will also proactively work towards improving your overall IT infrastructure, which includes a bit of everything such as:

  • Data backups
  • Disaster Recovery
  • IT security
  • Networking
  • Cloud computing
  • Help Desk support
  • IT Consultation
  • Systems Integration
  • and much more!

Outsourcing your business services to a professional IT consulting firm is a win-win for both parties. While you save money by not hiring a team that you won’t need full-time, we get to serve more happy customers and grow our business.

So why not reach out to Layer One Networks today to see if we can be of any assistance to you and your business?

Even if nothing else works, you will at least get a free IT consultation from us!