data security services

9 Warning Signs You Need IT Security Consultant Services


When it comes to cybersecurity, many business owners believe their defenses are impenetrable simply because they haven’t experienced an attack. But the truth is, even giants like the Pentagon have fallen victim to hackers, highlighting the need for robust security measures. 

To assist you in evaluating your security posture, we’ve curated a comprehensive list of unmistakable indicators that signal the need for professional IT security services. Knowing these warning signs, you can safeguard your valuable data and fortify your defenses against potential cyber threats.

Shield your business from cyber threats with LayerOne’s cybersecurity services.
Act now to protect what matters most. 

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When to Hire an IT Security Consultant?

Determining the right time to engage an IT security consultant service can be crucial for protecting your business. Seeking professional guidance is essential if you’re looking to strengthen your existing security measures or address specific vulnerabilities. 

Here are the key signs that highlight the importance of hiring an expert:

Sign 1: You Rely on Outdated Technology

Sign 1_ You Rely on Outdated Technology

Outdated technology poses a significant risk to the security of your business. Hackers are adept at targeting businesses that rely on obsolete hardware and software, viewing them as easy targets for exploitation. It’s like an unlocked door inviting cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access and compromise your sensitive information.

When those old desktop computers were initially built, they didn’t account for the sophisticated tools and techniques hackers use today. As a result, these outdated devices lack the necessary defenses to protect against modern cyber threats. Moreover, once manufacturers stop providing updates and patches for the operating system, the security of the technology becomes stagnant, leaving vulnerabilities unaddressed.

Cybercriminals don’t need to be experts to exploit outdated devices. With no further patches available, the methods and techniques developed by other hackers are more than sufficient to breach the security of these aging systems. It’s as if outdated technology becomes a weak link in your defense, creating an open invitation for cyber attacks.

If your business still relies on ancient technology, you are living on borrowed time. Operating with outdated devices puts your sensitive data, customer information, and entire business at risk. While upgrading all your technology at once may seem daunting, enlisting IT consulting firms’ assistance can help you navigate the process.

Sign 2: Your Industry is Facing Attacks

Cybercriminals are opportunistic and adapt their strategies to exploit vulnerabilities in different sectors. Recognizing when your industry is under attack is a key indicator that it’s time to engage an IT security consultant for expert guidance.

Industries that handle sensitive customer information, such as personal or financial data, are often prime targets for cyber attacks. The repercussions of a breach in these sectors can be severe, resulting in financial losses, reputational damage, and legal consequences. 

Keeping abreast of cybersecurity trends and news within your industry can provide valuable insights into emerging threats. Suppose you come across reports or incidents of cyber attacks targeting businesses like yours. In that case, you should consider bolstering your security measures by partnering with data security services.

Sign 3: Lack of Cybersecurity Expertise

Sign 3_ Lack of Cybersecurity Expertise

In certain industries, it’s not uncommon to find businesses without a dedicated IT department, and even if they do have one, it doesn’t necessarily equate to expertise in cybersecurity. The field of cybersecurity is highly specialized and constantly evolving, requiring ongoing knowledge and skills to stay ahead of the ever-changing threat landscape.

Relying solely on antivirus software is a common mistake that many businesses make. While antivirus programs provide some level of protection, they typically rely on databases of known malware and viruses, leaving you vulnerable to new and emerging threats that outdated signatures may not recognize.

To effectively protect your business from cyber threats, it’s crucial to recognize the need for expertise in the field of cybersecurity. 

Sign 4: Need for a Comprehensive Cybersecurity Plan

Shielding your business from every cyber attack is an insurmountable challenge. Even organizations equipped with ample resources and top-notch cybersecurity experts grapple with the constant evolution of threats. Consider the efforts invested by prominent financial institutions, who prioritize safeguarding their valuable data assets. This underscores the crucial need for every small business to establish a resilient and all-encompassing cybersecurity plan.

Crafting a robust cybersecurity plan involves multiple essential elements, including data security policies, password guidelines, data classification protocols, mobile device usage policies, remote work procedures, email security measures, social media guidelines, and a comprehensive breach recovery strategy.

We understand that comprehending and implementing these components can be overwhelming, especially for those less familiar with technology. This is precisely where the guidance of an IT security consultant becomes invaluable. 

Sign 5: Employee Education for Enhanced Cybersecurity Awareness

Sign 5_ Employee Education for Enhanced Cybersecurity Awareness

While having a capable internal IT team is valuable, addressing any knowledge gaps among your employees is important. This is especially crucial when onboarding new staff members who require experience and perspective in cybersecurity.

A holistic approach to cybersecurity involves aligning all employees, regardless of their department, with your security objectives. After all, the strength of your cybersecurity strategy is directly linked to the knowledge and awareness of your entire workforce.

Recognizing the need for employee training is the first step toward bolstering your cybersecurity defenses. However, effectively educating your staff and instilling a sense of investment in cybersecurity can be challenging, especially if technology is not their expertise.

Partnering with an IT security consultant can make a significant difference here. Their expertise can help you design a customized training curriculum catering to your needs.

Sign 6: Expert Guidance for Successful Technology Upgrades

When the time comes for a much-needed technology upgrade, it’s crucial to have a guiding hand by your side. New technology can be expensive, especially in today’s market, and making the right choices can be overwhelming. Instead of blindly investing in unnecessary tech, seeking the advice of someone who truly understands the landscape becomes imperative.

Cybersecurity consultants are well-versed in the latest technological advancements and can provide valuable insights into your organization’s specific needs. Consulting with them ensures your upgrade aligns with your cybersecurity requirements, optimizing your investment and avoiding costly mistakes.

Sign 7: Need to Level Up with Compliance Standards

In today’s rapidly evolving regulatory environment, compliance with privacy and data security laws has become a paramount concern for businesses. Governments worldwide are enacting legislation that can directly impact your operations and how you handle sensitive information. Compliance requirements leave little room for error, from data access and storage to retention periods.

Remaining ignorant of data and privacy laws is not an excuse, as businesses can still be held liable for non-compliance, regardless of their knowledge. The consequences of breaching these laws can be severe, resulting in hefty fines, legal penalties, and even the potential closure of your business.

To navigate this complex landscape and ensure your business meets the necessary compliance standards, seeking the guidance of an IT security consultant is invaluable. 

Sign 8: It’s time for a Security Audit

Although it may seem sufficient to implement security systems and trust them to perform their intended functions, the reality is that the cybersecurity landscape is ever-changing. Regular assessments are essential to gauge the effectiveness of your security plan. By conducting proactive checks, you can stay ahead of cybercriminals constantly devising new techniques to infiltrate systems.

However, carrying out system audits requires time and investment, but the benefits outweigh the costs. By validating the integrity of your defenses, you bridge the gap between theoretical cybersecurity and practical implementation. If diverting your IT security team from their primary responsibilities is impractical, engaging an IT security consultant to conduct the audit is wise. 

Sign 9: Business Expansion Underway

Sign 9_ Business Expansion Underway

Expanding your small business is an exciting milestone but also increases cyber-attack vulnerability. During the expansion phase, it’s important to recognize that your systems may be new and lacking proper setup and security, making them particularly susceptible to threats. Adding more employees and devices expands your attack surface, providing more opportunities for potential data breaches. Furthermore, the growing workforce increases the risk of human error, further compromising your cybersecurity.

As you embark on this expansion journey, it becomes crucial to address the storage and retrieval of data, particularly if you opt for cloud storage. Choosing a secure and cost-effective Cloud computing services provider becomes paramount to ensure smooth and protected data transfers. Therefore, expanding your security measures in tandem with your business growth is imperative.

Elevate Your Security with LayerOne Networks’ IT Consultant Services

The importance of strengthening your online defense for your small business cannot be overstated. By addressing cybersecurity vulnerabilities and implementing robust security measures, you can safeguard your business, protect your reputation, and avoid unnecessary financial losses.

While being proactive and informed about cybersecurity is crucial, recognizing when to seek expert assistance is equally important. Entrusting your digital defense to professionals specializing in IT security, such as Layer One Networks, can provide you with peace of mind and allow you to focus on growing and expanding your business.

By partnering with us, you gain access to a team of experts who stay updated with the latest threats and technologies, ensuring that your business is well-equipped to defend against evolving cyber threats.

Don’t leave your business’s security to chance.

Choose Layer One Networks as your trusted IT security consultant and take proactive steps to fortify your online defense.

data security services

Tips for Protecting Your Email from Cyber Threats

Cyber threats have become more prevalent and sophisticated as our lives become more connected to the digital world. Hackers and cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to access our sensitive information, and one of their primary targets is email.

Email security is critical, particularly in a business setting, as most cyber-attacks are done through phishing and scam emails. Without adequate protection, your email account can become a gateway for cyber predators to steal your identity, financial data, and other valuable information.

While outsourcing email security to a cyber security services provider is a great option, there are also steps you can take to protect yourself. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for safeguarding your email from cyber threats.

Secure your email from cyber threats today with Layer One Networks!

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5 Smart and Effective Email Security Tips

Know Your Cyber Threats

Cybercriminals are continually developing new ways to steal sensitive information, like passwords and credit card numbers. One of the most dangerous attack types is the Business Email Compromise (BEC), which has cost businesses millions of dollars.

To safeguard your email, you must understand the various cyber threats you may encounter.

  • Viruses can infect your computer through email attachments or links. 
  • Malware can secretly install itself on your computer and spy on your activity. 
  • Phishing involves fake emails that trick you into giving away your personal information. 
  • Ransomware can lock up your files and demand payment to release them.

By understanding these threats, you can take steps to prevent them, such as:

  • Use anti-virus software to catch viruses and malware. 
  • Be wary of suspicious emails, and never click on links or attachments from unknown senders. 
  • Keep your software up to date to prevent vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.

At Layer One Networks, we provide comprehensive IT services to safeguard your data and email and educate you and your team on potential cyber threats and how to prevent them. With our expertise and guidance, you can keep your email safe and secure from cyber threats.

Creating Strong Passwords to Secure Your Email

Creating Strong Passwords to Secure Your Email

Creating strong passwords is one of the most effective ways to safeguard your email account against cyber threats. A strong and complex password makes it harder for cybercriminals to guess or crack it. Conversely, using a weak password is like giving hackers the keys to your personal and professional information. 

To create a strong password:

  • Avoid using passwords such as “123456” or personal information such as your name or birthdate. Instead, combine upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. 
  • Enable two-factor authentication for an additional layer of protection. 
  • Avoid reusing the same password for multiple accounts, as this can increase the risk of a cyber attack. 
  • Consider using a password management system to keep track of your passwords securely.

Safeguard Your Sent Emails with TLS Encryption

Email may seem simple and direct, but did you know it travels through several servers before reaching its recipient? As it passes through these third-party servers, your email is vulnerable to tampering and snooping. That’s why it’s crucial to protect your sent emails.

One of the best ways to secure your sent emails is by using Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption. TLS adds a layer of protection to your email, making it more difficult for hackers to access and read the message’s contents. In addition, TLS encrypts the email as it travels from server to server, ensuring it stays secure throughout its journey.

If your email provider doesn’t support TLS, you can still protect sensitive data by zipping the contents of your email and password-protecting the file. Doing this adds a layer of protection to your email and ensures that your sensitive information stays secure.

Protect Your Email Address with Apple’s Hide My Email Feature

Online security is paramount in today’s world. One of the best ways to safeguard your personal information is to limit the number of websites and services with access to it. Apple’s new Hide, My Email feature, introduced in iOS 15, is an excellent tool for achieving this. By generating random email addresses that can be used instead of your actual email, this feature can help keep your personal information safe from malicious entities. 

If you own an iPhone, you can access Hide My Email by going to Settings > iCloud > Hide My Email. However, If you don’t have an iPhone, using different aliases would be the most practical way to replicate this functionality. Many popular email services like Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, and other secure email providers offer aliases. Check your provider’s account settings to see if it offers the feature.

Get Professional Help for Email Security

Get Professional Help for Email Security

Keeping all your employees’ email accounts safe and secure can be challenging as a business owner. Instead of handling email security in-house, it’s better to outsource the task to a professional IT company specializing in cybersecurity.

Layer One Networks, a reliable Cyber security services provider in Corpus Christi, understands the importance of reliable and secure email communication for businesses. Our highly skilled and experienced IT support team can help turn your business technology into a valuable asset by providing top-notch email security services.

We can help you protect sensitive information from cyber-attacks, prevent data breaches, and ensure that your email accounts are always up-to-date with the latest security patches.

In addition to email security, we offer a wide range of IT services that can benefit your business. We can help you manage your network infrastructure, maintain your servers, and provide ongoing IT support at predictable costs, making it easier for you to budget.

So stay safe online by following our email security advice, and learn why your business must have 24/7 IT support.

Contact us today!

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How to Prevent Data Security Breaches


For businesses in Corpus Christi, having a data security plan is essential to protect their data from malicious cyber attackers. Without a well-defined security strategy, organizations can become vulnerable to attacks that could devastate their operations and reputation. Partnering with reputed data security services providers like Layer One Networks is the fastest means to mitigate potential risks and stay safe from cyber threats.

In this guide, we will cover the following:

  1. What is a data breach, and what causes it?
  2. How are data breaches carried out?
  3. What are the potential risks and consequences of a data breach?
  4. What steps to take to prevent it?

What is a Data Breach, and What Causes it?

Data Security Services - Layer One Networks

A data breach is a security incident in which an unauthorized individual has accessed sensitive, confidential, or protected data without the owner’s consent.

There are different ways that people can breach data, whether accidentally or intentionally. Common causes of data breaches include:

  • Weak password protection
  • Downloading malicious software or viruses,
  • Phishing scams and other types of social engineering tactics
  • Insider threats from current or former employees.
  • Losing devices containing sensitive information
  • Injecting malware or other malicious scripts into web pages

How are Data Breaches Carried Out?

Data breaches can happen to all sizes of organizations, and the methods by which attackers can breach data range from simple to complex.

However, according to Layer One Networks security experts, the breach occurs in 5 common steps.

  • Step 1: Recon: Attackers gather as much information about the target organization as possible – such as IP address, open ports, and Software programs used.
  • Step 2: Exploiting Vulnerabilities: Once attackers have identified any vulnerabilities in the system, they can exploit them to gain access.
  • Step 3: Gaining Access: Attackers use malicious techniques such as phishing emails and malware to access the organization’s system.
  • Step 4: Escalating Privileges: Once attackers have gained access, they will try to escalate their privileges by exploiting additional vulnerabilities to achieve higher system access levels.
  • Step 5: Data Theft/Destruction: Attackers will then use their privileged access to steal or delete data or damage the organization’s systems.

What are the Potential Risks and Consequences of a Data Breach?

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Data breaches can result in many severe consequences for organizations, including:

  • Financial Losses: 

In 2022 the average cost of a data breach in the United States was around $9.44 million more than the global average cost of $4.35 million. Although this figure includes breaches connected with huge companies, it can have serious financial ramifications for even the smallest businesses.

  • Reputational Damage: 

Data breaches may cause distrust in customers leading them to switch to another company. Continued data breaches can result in a significant negative impact on the reputation of an organization as well as its brand value.

  • Productivity Losses: 

Once a data breach has occurred, organizations need time to investigate, fix the issue and restore data. Spending this time can lead to significant productivity losses as employees cannot access the information they need or use the systems they rely on. On average, fixing a data breach can take around 3 to 4 months of a security team’s time.

  • Legal Implications: 

Organizations can also face legal implications due to a data breach, including fines and lawsuits.

  • Ransom Demands: 

Ransomware is a type of malicious software used by hackers to encrypt data and extort money from victims. The hackers refuse to decrypt the data until the ransom is paid.

  • Privacy Compromised: 

Depending upon the type of data that is breached, customers or clients may have their personal information compromised, leading to identity theft or other fraudulent activities.

What Steps can be Taken to Prevent Data Breach?

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Data security is a must for any business in today’s digital world. However, organizations can do a few things to prevent data breaches.

Below are some effective cybersecurity prevention tips by data security services experts.

  • Restrict Access:

You should restrict access to data and systems to those who need it by setting up password managers, two-factor authentication, and other access control measures. Limiting access can minimize the chances of a breach.

  • Use Strong Password:

The most common cause of data breaches is weak passwords, enabling hackers to gain access easily. Furthermore, people often reuse the same passwords on multiple sites, making them even more vulnerable. 

You should also set up password policies and enforce strong, unique passwords across all accounts.

  • Keep Software up-to-date: 

Always use the latest version of your software and keep all applications, operating systems, and plugins updated. These precautions will help patch any known vulnerabilities in the system which attackers can exploit. Furthermore, ensure the automatic updates are turned on and regularly check for any new patches that need to be applied.

  • Use Secure URLs:

Users should only connect to websites that use secure HTTPS connections (instead of HTTP). HTTPS URLs are encrypted, making it much harder for attackers to access the data. Also, it is a good practice to only click on links from known sources.

  • Regularly Monitor and Audit: 

You cannot permanently deploy just one data security strategy to protect your business against all threats. For simple reasons, cybercriminals are highly motivated to steal data and constantly develop new tactics to breach the best security protocols and firewalls.

IT security services experts recommend regularly monitoring and auditing the networks to identify any security loopholes. This monitoring will enable you to quickly detect any malicious activities that have occurred to take preventive measures.

  • Educate and Train your Employees: 

Believe it or not, most data breaches today do not occur due to sophisticated hacks but usually because of human error. All it takes is one wrong click on a malicious link for an organization to fall victim to a data breach.

Layer One Networks, the best IT security services in Corpus Christi, TX, recommends the following steps to help protect your organization against cyber threats:

  • Train your workforce to identify phishing emails, malicious links, and other social engineering attacks.
  • Encourage employees to report any suspicious activities, no matter how minor they may seem.
  • Enforce a strict policy against the use of public Wi-Fi for business purposes.
  • Install anti-virus software on all corporate devices and instruct employees to only download apps from official app stores.
  • Do not leave work with devices unattended or unlocked.
  • Lock all filing cabinets and folders which contain sensitive information.
  • Make sure all backups are regularly tested so you can be sure your data is secure in the event of an emergency.
  • Never give out or share access to your devices, accounts, or networks with anyone.

Related Reads: Difference between Cloud and Network Security.

Join Hands with the Best IT Security Services to Prevent Data Security Breaches:

Data breaches can cause significant harm to both individuals and businesses. To protect against ever-evolving cyber threats, you must be vigilant and take preventive measures. Something most companies learn after experiencing one.

Layer One Networks provides comprehensive data security and managed IT services solutions in Corpus Christi, TX, to help protect your critical data and systems from malicious threats. We can help you develop and deploy a cyber security plan that meets your individual needs and train your employees to stay vigilant and identify potential threats.

To learn more about our IT security services, contact us today.

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What is The Need For IT Security And Cybersecurity?

Ever had a scare of an unauthorized attempt to breach your IT system?

When you had to go through such a harrowing experience, you would know why you should give due importance to IT security. 

Cyberattacks are becoming so frequent and common. Nowadays, hackers aren’t just targeting the big corporations but also the small startups and even ordinary individuals. So when the risks of being open to such cyber threats are increasing, we need to mount additional security to protect our IT systems from such malicious attempts.

In this blog, we’ll look at some strong reasons you need data security systems and how you can enforce them.

3 Reasons Why Your Company Needs Powerful IT Security

3 Reasons Why Your Company Needs Powerful IT Security

At LayerOne Networks, one of the top IT consulting firms in the country, we’ve seen many clients coming to us after data breaches or cyber threats. And there’s one thing we advise to all of them — take preventive measures before the danger becomes real and does real damage. We offer security IT services for clients to protect themselves before the threat becomes a significant issue.

This is why our cybersecurity experts are bringing together some compelling reasons for you to take IT security seriously before you become a victim.

  • Hackers Leave No One

Hackers Leave No One

The threat of cyberattacks is accurate, and it’s there to stay. Therefore, every organization has to take preventive measures to keep their data safe and their customers’ sensitive information secure. 

Several hackers have different purposes for hacking and gaining access. Some do it for monetary purposes, some for political reasons, and some do it just because they can! There are so many different kinds of hacking attempts that don’t see the nature of your business or the amount of money you have.

You may be a slowly-growing startup, and you may still be hacked or infiltrated with ransomware just because your system was easy to break.

In a first-ever study at the University of Maryland, hacker attempts are found to happen every 39 seconds on average! Even if you’ve been spared till now, you never know when your turn might come. So, it’s always better to be cautious and on your defense to protect your IT systems.

  • The Developments in Technologies Help the Hackers Too

The Developments in Technologies Help the Hackers Too

As we see new technologies coming up for data protection and cybersecurity, we must remember that more such technologies can help hackers. The hackers are also getting armed with new tools and software, which allows them to break firewalls and find loopholes in the security systems.

For example, when your employees use IoT devices in the same network they use to log in to your company’s server, it becomes even more accessible for hackers to gain access. Such technological advancements are proving to be a cybersecurity threat and can compromise even highly secure systems.

Companies need to be cautious with the software they use and be stringent with employee policies on the login. You don’t just need robust cybersecurity solutions but should also teach your employees to conduct business in a safe atmosphere.

  • Cybersecurity Threats Are Far More Than We Think

When we say cybersecurity, it doesn’t just mean protecting the access pages and keeping up firewalls. There are multiple threats in cybersecurity that require individual attention:

Data security is the protection of the information stored in an offline database or online cloud storage. There are numerous ways through which hackers can gain access to these storage systems. Several security measures are needed to prevent that, like data encryption, tokenization, data access security management, and many more.

Network security is essential to protect the entire IT system from unauthorized access through the networks. Intruders generally use malware or viruses to get access details and codes and use them to target companies.

You can improve network security through antivirus programs, firewalls, renewing new passwords regularly, antispy software, and antimalware software.

Application security is needed when a particular application is targeted — either to gain access to the application’s critical information or gain access to the entire system through the application. Applications can be protected from such access through regular maintenance and security checks, updating the applications often, and conducting vulnerability and penetration testing to find loopholes in the security systems.

These are just a few of the common cybersecurity risks and systems you need. Unfortunately, there are far more such security risks your company is prone to, and it’s vital to analyze and understand every one of them to ensure their security.

What to Look for in a Cybersecurity Service Provider

If you’re searching for someone to provide managed IT services, including cybersecurity, then you need to know what you’re looking for.

Here are some essential qualities that a cybersecurity provider should have:

  • Expertise in various types of cybersecurity 
  • Expertise in the recent hacking technologies and IT security solutions
  • Prompt in chipping in and fixing issues
  • Dependable to handle the sensitive information
  • Previous history of successful security projects and satisfied clients
  • Demonstrated ability to control the security of your entire IT infrastructure 
  • An eye for finding security loopholes and knowledge of improving the current position

If you’ve been wondering, ‘Where can I find such IT services near me to enforce cybersecurity?’, we have the solution. LayerOne Networks offers IT consulting services on cybersecurity to help you figure out the best way to keep your systems safe.

data security services

Importance of Zero Trust Security for Your Business

The way in which businesses operate today is a far cry from what it was a couple of years back. The hard truth? The information is no longer as secure as we thought it was.

With so many hacking attempts and everyday news of security breaches, it’s becoming harder to trust any person or technology. In other words, zero trust sounds like the best idea.

This forms the crux of zero trust security, where every person or access is considered hostile until proven otherwise. This zero trust notion was first introduced in a paper in 2010 by John Kindervag from Forrester Research. Soon the term caught on, considering the volatile and technologically advanced world we’re living in.

A zero trust solution for data security essentially means that every request isn’t trusted until it’s verified. And this happens every single time a user tries to gain access or sends a request. So, why should you consider zero trust security for your business? Let’s find out.

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Zero Trust Security

At LayerOne Networks, our security experts have implemented zero trust security systems for some of our clients. In this blog, we’ll explain why you need to include zero trust security as a part of your managed IT services

1. You Need Additional Protection for Integration with Third-Party Services

Many times, we tend to link our software with other third-party applications to improve productivity. Or, we use multiple tools to build an application. For example, software developers may use third-party services for logging, authentication, and other similar needs. So, in the end, even a single software may have a host of different applications that have access to the information.

This is when zero trust security plays a crucial role. When every single request passing through the application is verified, we can prevent access or attacks from happening through these third parties. 

2. You Get Complete Visibility into the Logins

The zero trust security works with the notion that the system is already compromised and has to verify every action. While it acts on the process of verification, it never trusts anything. 

So, the visibility of the traffic to the application plays a central role in the security. Every single network log, access, the location of the access, and other details are recorded. The security team can monitor these movements of data and the login details for every single one of the users.

You can also use this data to analyze the attacks or attempts of hacking to pinpoint the exact location, user, and nature. One important point to note here is that zero trust security also monitors the DNS traffic, which is usually unchecked in traditional systems. This helps to avoid unauthorized data access and predict exfiltration.

3. You Need to Maintain Data Security Even with the Remote Work Culture

Ever since the pandemic hit us more than 18 months back, the remote work culture has become a norm. Many companies have permanently allowed for WFH, while some are still in the transitional stage. 

If you have some of your employees working from home, we have to realize that their home networks wouldn’t be as secure as our office networks. It is easier to hack into your enterprise using the home networks.

Zero trust security becomes helpful in such cases since it already considers that the threat is in. It suspects every single request and interaction to and from the application, which means it can stop and verify new instances of request from the WFH employees and prevent any security attacks.

Data Security

4. You Can Reduce Your Vulnerability

Let’s face it. Every organization that has some amount of dependency on online tools and applications is prone to cyberattacks. And we also have lots of vendors, external service providers, and freelancers that have access to our network. So when you’re switching IT providers or moving to new freelancers, they may still have access even after they’ve stopped working for your business.

When there’s something you can do to minimize your vulnerability and increase your security, it’s essential to consider it. Otherwise, you can’t imagine the consequences of your customers’ sensitive information and operational data falling into the wrong hands.

Zero trust security disallows application access until the user can positively prove their identity. It analyzes the way the device or the user is communicating, the network through which they’re communicating, and puts them through various authorizations to verify them.

Every communication through the application is checked for malicious attacks, which means your business operations will be better protected than most other security systems.

5. You Can Minimize the Security Tech Stacks

As more and more cyberthreats are cropping up and hackers are coming up with new ways to gain access or threaten organizations, the security stacks that are needed to protect ourselves have also increased. So when you want the manpower to implement so many of these tech stacks, you need to hire a big security team to build and manage them. 

But with zero trust security, you can do away with most of the security tech stacks and replace them with a single device in the cloud that monitors every piece of communication. You can minimize the complexity of the projects and the technologies needed and to save on employee costs.

Wrapping Up

In today’s distributed organization, the importance of data security has increased by folds. Zero trust security can reduce your vulnerabilities and improve data protection through the application. 

LayerOne Networks is one of the top IT consulting firms offering managed IT services, data security solutions, and IT consulting services. If you have a business in Corpus Christi and are searching for ‘IT services near me,’ then reach out to us now.