cybersecurity service

Cybersecurity Services: Why It Matters for Nonprofit Organizations


In the digital world, cyberattacks are frequent, affecting various industries. Can you believe that a cyberattack takes place about every 39 seconds? That’s even quicker than a heartbeat! Despite their focus not being on making money like businesses, nonprofit organizations can still become targets of these attacks. 

Surprisingly, a study shows that 71% of nonprofit organizations faced at least one cybersecurity incident just last year. This high number of attacks occurs because nonprofits often need to manage sensitive information, which makes them vulnerable targets for hackers.

Now, the big question is: How do nonprofits ensure that they are safeguarding the interests of their donors? One crucial approach is utilizing cybersecurity services, particularly when handling tasks like donations and payments.

This article delves into the vital role of cybersecurity for nonprofit organizations. We will also discuss the steps they can take to ensure the safety and security of their digital assets.

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Why are Nonprofit Easy Targets for Cyber Criminals?

Nonprofit organizations gather personal and financial data from donors, volunteers, and staff. This information is used for operations, fundraising, and promoting their cause.

Unfortunately, many nonprofits do nothing to protect this sensitive data from cyberattacks, making them easy targets for cybercriminals.

Here are a few reasons why:

  • Limited Resources: Unlike big companies, nonprofits often have fewer people and less money to spend on security.
  • Outdated Technology: Many nonprofits use old computer systems that hackers can easily break into. These systems can lead to hackers demanding a ransom to fix things.
  • Altruistic Mission: Nonprofits are driven by a mission to help others, which can sometimes result in a focus on their cause rather than cybersecurity. This inadvertently creates gaps in their defenses that cybercriminals can exploit.
  • Volunteer Challenges: Nonprofits rely on volunteers, but not all volunteers may know about online safety. Some volunteers might have different checks than paid workers.

With the increasing trend of online donations and digital payments, nonprofits must ensure the security of their payment processes to avoid falling victim to hacking attempts. When a cyberattack happens, it can hurt nonprofits a lot. People might lose trust in them, and support might drop. It can also create problems inside the organization, affecting the good work they do for others. 

However, teaming up with a trusted cybersecurity service provider can help nonprofits protect their data. Experts will handle data security professionally, ensuring that their operations continue smoothly.

Common Cybersecurity Threats Impacting Nonprofits

Nonprofits face common cybersecurity threats that can jeopardize their operations and compromise sensitive information. Some of these threats include:

  • Third-Party Vendor Data Breaches: Nonprofits often collaborate with external vendors. If these vendors experience data breaches, the nonprofits’ information could be exposed. Data breaches may lead to employee usernames, passwords, and personal financial data theft.
  • Email Phishing Schemes: Cybercriminals use deceptive emails to trick employees into revealing sensitive information or clicking on harmful links. Phishing attacks can lead to data breaches and unauthorized access.
  • Ransomware Attacks: Ransomware locks organizations out of their systems until a ransom is paid. Nonprofits can suffer from loss of access to critical data and disruption of services.
  • Unprotected USB Drives: While it may seem small, using unprotected USB drives can expose nonprofits to risk. Hackers can exploit these drives to gain unauthorized access to confidential information.

Nonprofits can take several actions to mitigate these risks, such as:

  • Regularly backup data to prevent devastating losses in case of a breach
  • Use secure cloud storage services to safeguard information from third-party breaches.
  • Secure USB drives by using trusted ports, avoiding leaving them in public spaces, and promoting good password practices.
  • Guard against unprotected laptops by implementing strong passwords and VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) on public WiFi networks.

Furthermore, nonprofits can enhance cybersecurity by partnering with Managed service providers. These experts can manage security measures, set up secure VPN systems for remote work, and ensure that laptops and devices remain protected.

By staying vigilant and proactive, nonprofits can effectively safeguard their operations and the vital information they handle.

Read our tips for protecting your Email from cyber threats

Cybersecurity Services Comprehensive Checklist for Enhanced Threat Protection

Cybersecurity Services Comprehensive Checklist for Enhanced Threat Protection

Cybersecurity is paramount for nonprofit organizations to ensure both safety and uninterrupted operations. Implementing these best practices can safeguard your organization’s assets, preserve donor information integrity, and uphold stakeholders’ trust.

Let’s delve into the essential measures required to fortify your organization against cyber threats:

Craft a Comprehensive Cybersecurity Policy

Develop a robust policy outlining your organization’s approach to cybersecurity. Cover crucial aspects such as data protection, powerful password management, defining employee responsibilities, incident response protocols, and guidelines for remote work and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) usage.

Educate and Train Your Workforce 

Provide cybersecurity awareness training to your staff and volunteers. Equip them with knowledge about prevalent threats like phishing and social engineering and train them to identify and report suspicious activities. Regular reinforcement of security protocols is vital.

Enhance Password Security

 Encourage using strong, complex passwords while promoting the adoption of multi-factor authentication (MFA) wherever applicable. Discourage the reuse of passwords across multiple accounts and advocate using password management tools for secure storage.

Maintain Up-to-Date Software and Systems

Regularly update operating systems, software, and applications to shield against known vulnerabilities. Activate automatic updates when feasible or establish a robust patch management process to ensure timely updates.

Fortify Device and Network Security

Implement stringent security measures for devices (e.g., computers, laptops, mobile devices) and networks (e.g., firewalls, intrusion detection systems). Employ encryption for safeguarding sensitive data both during storage and transit.

Execute Regular Data Backups

Regularly back up critical data to secure off-site locations. Periodically test data restoration procedures to ensure the dependability of backups, mitigating data loss due to cyber incidents or hardware failures.

Implement Robust Email Security Measures

Employ email filtering and spam protection to identify and block malicious emails—train staff to recognize phishing attempts and avoid clicking on suspicious links or opening attachments from unknown sources.

Establish a Structured Incident Response Plan

Develop a well-defined and documented incident response plan outlining step-by-step actions during cybersecurity incidents. Assign roles, establish communication channels, and define escalation procedures to manage incidents effectively.

Conduct Periodic Security Assessments and Audits

Regularly perform cybersecurity assessments and audits to uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Employ penetration testing and vulnerability scanning techniques to identify potential flaws in your organization’s systems.

Engage a Reputable Cybersecurity Partner

Engage a Reputable Cybersecurity Partner

Consider collaborating with a specialized cybersecurity provider experienced in the nonprofit sector. They can assess your organization’s security posture, provide tailored recommendations, and assist with incident response.

Remember, cybersecurity is an ongoing commitment. Stay informed about evolving threats and best practices, and routinely review and update your security measures to stay ahead of emerging risks. Teaming up with an IT consulting firm specializing in cybersecurity will streamline your organization’s security efforts, ensuring uninterrupted operations and shielding your nonprofit from malicious cyber threats.

Partner with Cybersecurity Experts to Safeguard Your Reputation

Ensuring strong cybersecurity is a must for nonprofits. One way to do this is to have a team of IT experts who focus on keeping your organization’s data safe from cyber criminals. But if having a full-time team isn’t possible, don’t worry! You can team up with Layer One Networks, a trusted security service provider in Corpus Christi.

Our skilled team will assist your nonprofit in getting the best from your technology. We will ensure that everything works seamlessly, letting you focus on your mission with the confidence that your data is safe.

Managed IT Services

The Crucial Role of Managed IT Services in Empowering Remote Work and Collaboration


In the not-so-distant past, the concept of remote work was met with skepticism, with businesses believing that true collaboration required physical presence. The thought of employees working from anywhere other than the office seemed unfathomable. However, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic shattered these preconceived notions, forcing companies to embrace remote work environments swiftly.

Yet, a solid technical infrastructure is vital for remote work to thrive. This infrastructure ensures secure access to services and information, supporting employees regardless of location. Thanks to Managed IT Services Providers (MSPs) and advancing technology, companies can now effectively manage their tasks from the comfort of their homes.

This engaging article explores five key roles the right IT service provider can play to empower your remote workforce, revolutionizing collaboration and productivity.

Supercharge your remote work environment with LayerOne Networks. Experience unparalleled IT support solutions tailored to meet your needs.

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What are Managed IT Services?

Managed IT services, or third-party IT support, are external resources businesses can depend on to manage their technical requirements. These services cover a range of tasks, including monitoring and maintaining computer networks, implementing data backup solutions, and providing assistance in case of a disaster. 

By outsourcing these responsibilities to experienced service providers, businesses can optimize their internal resources, concentrating on strategic initiatives while ensuring their IT systems receive professional support, remain secure, and operate reliably.

5 Support Roles of Managed IT Services for Remote Work

Providing Network and Infrastructure Support

Managed IT services support remote work and foster collaboration by providing robust network and infrastructure support. Here are four key aspects where these services excel:

  • Enabling Secure Access to Company Resources: 

Managed IT services are vital in helping organizations establish secure networks, configure firewalls, and manage access control. They ensure that all systems are regularly updated with the latest security patches, minimizing vulnerabilities and safeguarding sensitive data. By actively monitoring networks, potential threats are identified and addressed promptly, ensuring secure remote access to company resources.

  • Secure Connection with Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): 

Secure Connection with Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are essential to manage IT services for remote work and collaboration. VPNs create a secure pathway for remote employees, allowing them to connect to a private network anywhere. With VPNs, employees can securely access company resources such as files, applications, and data. VPNs foster smooth collaboration among remote teams and external partners while safeguarding sensitive information from cyber threats. Additionally, VPNs enable secure connections between multiple offices, facilitating efficient collaboration across different locations.

  • Efficient File Sharing and Collaboration with Cloud-Based Solutions: 

Managed IT services leverage cloud-based solutions to ensure employees have the tools for seamless and productive remote work. Cloud-based file-sharing and collaboration platforms provide a secure environment for storing, sharing, and collaborating on documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more. These solutions enable real-time updates, ensuring everyone works on the most current shared file version. 

Moreover, cloud computing service providers offer the convenience of accessing files from anywhere with an internet connection, empowering remote teams to stay connected and productive.

  • Reliable Internet Connectivity for Remote Workers:

Managed IT services also address the crucial need for reliable internet connectivity among remote workers. They ensure remote employees have sufficient bandwidth, speed, and dependable connectivity to support their work activities. By setting up secure VPNs and implementing robust network infrastructure solutions, managed IT services guarantee uninterrupted access to essential resources for remote workers.

Enhancing Cybersecurity for Remote Work

With the surge in remote working, ensuring data security has become an increasingly pressing challenge. However, with the help of managed IT support, companies can now enjoy enhanced cybersecurity in the remote work atmosphere. Let’s explore how these Cyber security services under managed services can bolster your company’s data security.

  • Comprehensive Security Solutions:

Managed IT services offer robust security solutions tailored to address the unique risks of remote work. They leverage advanced tools and technologies to protect your data from phishing attacks, malware, and ransomware. By implementing strong security measures like firewalls and intrusion detection systems, managed IT services create a formidable defense against unauthorized access to your data.

  • Secure Remote Access: 

Remote work exposes businesses to vulnerabilities as employees access company resources from various locations and devices. Managed IT services ensure secure remote access by implementing rigorous authentication protocols, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA). MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of identification, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.

  • Ongoing Monitoring and Threat Detection: 

By continuously monitoring networks, systems, and user activities, MSPs can identify suspicious or abnormal behavior that may indicate a cyber attack. Timely detection enables rapid response and mitigation, minimizing the impact of security incidents and safeguarding your company’s invaluable data.

  • Employee Training and Best Practices: 

Managed IT services also play a crucial role in educating and training your remote workforce on cybersecurity best practices. They offer guidance on recognizing and avoiding common cyber threats, such as phishing emails and malicious websites. By raising awareness and fostering a cybersecurity-conscious culture, managed IT services empower your employees to become the first line of defense against cyber attacks.

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Effective Collaboration Tools

Managed IT services to support remote collaboration by providing access to essential video conferencing and communication tools. These tools bridge the distance between team members and facilitate seamless collaboration, regardless of their physical locations. 

With the right suite of communication and collaboration tools, such as video conferencing, instant messaging, file sharing, and project management platforms, managed IT services empower teams to stay connected, share ideas, and work together efficiently. 

Let’s delve into how these services benefit businesses in more detail.

  • Seamless Connectivity: 

Seamless Connectivity

Managed IT service providers (MSPs) ensure employees can access reliable video conferencing and communication tools, enabling smooth and uninterrupted remote collaboration. Reliable communication tools ensure team members can connect, communicate, and collaborate effectively, fostering productivity and synergy.

  • Enhanced Collaboration: 

MSPs offer a range of collaboration tools tailored to meet the specific needs of remote teams. These tools facilitate real-time communication, file sharing, and project management, enabling teams to work together efficiently and effectively, even when not physically present.

  • Compatibility and Integration: 

They ensure their collaboration tools are compatible with other platforms and systems used within the organization. This seamless integration eliminates the hassle of data loss or disruptions caused by incompatibility issues, enabling a streamlined workflow and enhancing productivity.

  • Training and Support: 

Managed services offer training and support to employees, ensuring they are proficient in using the collaboration tools effectively. Training and support empower team members to leverage the full potential of these tools and maximize their productivity in a remote work environment.

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

Ensuring the safety and resilience of your valuable data is paramount in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape. Managed IT services are critical in fortifying your business against potential disasters by protecting your data and ensuring smooth operations.

  • Reliable Data Protection: 

With data backup and recovery services, your critical information is diligently backed up regularly. This meticulous process creates multiple layers of protection, safeguarding your data from unexpected events and ensuring its availability when needed.

  • Off-Site Backup Storage: 

Managed IT services go the extra mile by securely storing backup copies in off-site locations. Keeping your data in separate and secure facilities mitigates the risk of data loss due to physical damage or localized incidents. Should the need arise, your data can be quickly retrieved and restored to ensure minimal disruption to your business.

  • Swift Recovery: 

In the face of a disaster or system failure, time is of the essence. Managed IT services are well-prepared to quickly restore your systems and retrieve your critical data. Their expert technicians work diligently to minimize downtime and get your business back up and running quickly.

  • Uninterrupted Operations: 

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

By relying on managed IT services for data backup and disaster recovery, you can maintain uninterrupted operations, even during challenging times. Whether your team works remotely or in the office, you can rest assured that your data remains secure and accessible. This insurance allows your business to continue functioning smoothly and your employees to stay productive, no matter the circumstances.

Helpdesk Support

Managed IT services offer invaluable help desk support to remote employees, ensuring they have the necessary technical assistance to remain productive and connected. With help desk support, remote employees can rely on expert guidance and troubleshooting to resolve technical issues. Support includes addressing device-related problems, resolving software glitches, and configuring settings to optimize their workflow. The dedicated support provided by managed IT services enables remote employees to overcome technical hurdles efficiently, allowing them to focus on their work without disruptions.

In addition to troubleshooting and technical assistance, managed IT services extend their support by providing training and resources to empower remote employees. Through various channels, such as online tutorials, webinars, and personalized support, employees gain the knowledge and skills to effectively utilize collaboration tools, access files remotely, and maintain seamless communication with their team. 

Can Remote Work Options Benefit Your Business? 

The answer to this question is a resounding yes! 

Managed IT services providers have revolutionized how companies operate, showing that employees can be just as productive and thrive outside the traditional office setting. Remote work has sparked a shift in employee preferences, with many actively seeking opportunities that offer remote or hybrid work environments. 

As an employer, failing to provide this option can lead to missed opportunities in attracting and retaining top talent. By embracing remote work, your business gains a competitive edge. You tap into a pool of highly skilled professionals who value flexibility and work-life balance. These positives increase job satisfaction and productivity, ultimately driving better business outcomes.

LayerOne Networks managed IT services providers in Corpus Christi understand the importance of supporting remote work environments. And that’s why we offer comprehensive IT services tailored to remote teams’ unique needs. With our expertise, you can confidently propel your remote work atmosphere in the right direction.

Ready to unlock the potential of remote work for your business growth? Discover our comprehensive IT services and unleash your team’s full potential.

Contact us today to explore the possibilities.


What Really Happens During a Cyber Attack?

New technology. New cyber threats. New security breaches. 

Cyber threats have become a recurring occurrence and common news nowadays. Every year, new cyber security threats are coming up. And as we begin the promising year of 2021, we need to steel ourselves for the new cyber threats.

To protect yourself against such cyber attacks, you need to implement foolproof cybersecurity systems to keep the hackers out. However, it’s easier said than done.

To enforce a security system customized to sensitive data, you need to understand what really happens during a cybersecurity attack. This blog will take you through the journey of cyber attacks, the information that can be tapped, and the risks involved.

The Journey of a Cyber Attack – The Possibilities of Security Breaches

Anyone can be a victim of a cyber attack. Just last year, the hackers even stole from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and so there’s no telling when or who might be attacked next. 

Our cybersecurity service experts at Corpus Christi have prevented many such attacks with our firewall protection and data security support. We also offer data security along with managed IT services for businesses in Corpus Christi to protect themselves against cyber threats. 

Let’s jump right in and what the hackers do during a cyber attack and how you need to protect yourself.

Hackers Spot the Vulnerabilities

Hackers Spot the Vulnerabilities

Many cyber-attacks happen because hackers spot a security vulnerability and exploit it. This vulnerability can be in any form — by brute-forcing the password, eavesdropping on the communications, extracting personal information through phishing attacks, and many more. 

Often, such vulnerabilities are the silliest mistakes made by the employees, like using the most obvious password, accessing the official data from the home network that doesn’t have security, or leaving the system logged in at the end of the day.

The hackers find such loopholes in the website or the server and add a piece of their code to try and crack the vulnerability wide open. They may also inject malware or ransomware through the gaps in the system security.

Read More: Ransomware vs. Malware: What Is More Dangerous?

Businesses Panic & Lose Evidence

Businesses Panic & Lose Evidence

As the data security of a business is compromised, people begin to panic.

They make absurd actions that they would never do in full consciousness otherwise and this leads to even bigger problems. Some companies make the mistake of not assessing the level of attacks or prioritizing the wrong thing to do. Often, one common mistake many makes is deleting the evidence of the attack, which is most valuable to assess and prevent future attacks. 

This is why every business needs a cyberattack recovery plan in place. In times of panic, the security team can refer to this plan and start taking the steps one by one. 

This recovery plan should be detailed, containing the complete SOP to identify and fix the vulnerability as soon as possible. While we can never predict what the cyber attack can be, it’s important to cover all possible grounds for the threats in the recovery plan. The recovery plan should also insist on the team save the evidence before deleting the other files. 

There are often a few important people who must be informed when there’s a cyber attack. For instance, when a data manager is informed of the attack, the person will initiate a risk management plan to backup the sensitive data and increase the security around it.

Similarly, several people in the organization should be kept in loop about the cyber attack. However, many teams, in the frenzy of saving the situation, fail to communicate properly or be prejudiced in the communication. This could complicate and even open the data up for more risk. 

The best way to tackle this issue — train the team for clear, quick, factful communication of the situation.

The Hackers Meanwhile Try Penetrating Deeper

The Hackers Meanwhile Try Penetrating Deeper

See, there’s one thing about the hackers. Even if you keep enforcing more firewalls to keep the hackers out, they’ll keep trying and trying until they find another loophole. 

What can you do during such times?

Keep enforcing better security continually without resting for a minute even when it looks like the hacker is giving up. You may never know how and where the hacker can attack next. In the meantime, collect enough evidence about the attack which may give you an idea into the attack and take necessary steps. 

While not all cyber attacks have a direct impact on an organization, it can send the wrong message out to the public. The best way to do this is to analyze the attack once everything has calmed down and performed a complete, scrutinized security audit to identify and fix any other loopholes.

Final Thoughts

Doesn’t it look like a total mess in the face of a cyber attack?

Well, this is the common reality of many organizations when a hacker tries to gain access. You can avoid such frenzied mistakes and miscommunications during a cyber-attack by creating a risk management and recovery plan. 

Even better, you can improve your data security, conduct regular audits, and get the help of a company offering security services in Corpus Christi like Layer One Networks. Our managed IT services for companies in Corpus Christi provides a wholesome solution for maintaining security, identifying the cyber threats and loopholes even before the hackers do, and fixing them.

Contact us to find out how we can make your systems secure.


How to Prevent Brute Force Attacks with 8 Easy Tactics

Are you using an obvious, weak password?

If so, you must be wary of the brute force attack!

Unlike many other cybercrimes, brute force attacks don’t consider the vulnerability of the system. Instead, it relies on repetitively using a combination of passwords to gain access.

It’s one of the simplest ways of hacking. The basic concept of the brute force attack is that you’re bound to figure out the right password when you keep trying a combination of words, numbers, and symbols.

For example, if you are using a four-digit pin, then there are 10,000 possible combinations from 0000 to 9999. In the brute force attack, a bot will keep trying out these numerous combinations until it can log in.

In this blog, we’ll go through different ways of preventing such brute force attacks.

8 Simple Tactics to Prevent Brute Force Attacks

Ever since people started working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s been an increase in the brute force attack of Microsoft’s proprietary protocol, RDP.

brute force attacks

You can notice that the attacks have increased by 12x in just a month!

While you can use many antivirus, cybersecurity software to prevent many online threats, there is no such tool to avoid brute force attacks.

As one of the top companies offering security service for Corpus Christi, our IT security experts at LayerOne Networks have listed out some of the best and simple brute force attack prevention techniques to keep the hackers out.

  • 1. Encourage User to Create Strong and Long Passwords

brute force attacks

There’s a type of brute force attack called the dictionary attack that uses a list of commonly-used passwords to gain access to your account. This can speed up the time taken for finding the right password and can make users vulnerable. It’s important to encourage the users to create a password that doesn’t come under the common ones. The next important step is to have a long password.

Did you know that it takes an average of 555 hours to break a four-digit passcode?

If the hacker tries the dictionary attack and fails, the next is to go for the usual combination of characters, letters and numbers. As the password length increases, it takes a long time for the hacker to figure out the right password and can help you prevent it, if possible.

  • 2. Keep the Allowed Login Attempts to a Bare Minimum

Many services are now restricting the number of login attempts to 10 or lesser. This way, the hackers wouldn’t have enough opportunity to try out multiple password combinations.

You can lock the account after a certain number of failed login attempts, which can then be unlocked after a specific time. This way, the users won’t have to go through a long process of changing the password and the hackers’ attempt will also be interrupted by locking the account from any more password combinations.

  • 3. Use Captcha After a Certain Failed Login Attempts

Yes, captchas are annoying but are one of the most straightforward ways for brute force attack prevention. Captchas prevent automated bots from testing out multiple passwords since it requires manual entry. Captchas can either be audio-based or visual-based.

Sometimes, captchas can negatively impact user experience. So, you can include the captcha only after a certain number of failed login attempts to reinforce the security.

  • 4. Include Security Questions

Similar to the usage of captcha after some failed login attempts, you can instead include security questions. This is an extremely effective second layer of defence if the hacker finds the password through brute force attack.

  • 5. Encourage Users to Enable 2FA

brute force attacks

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is one of the best ways to create an extra line of defence. It’s important to encourage users to enable 2FA to protect their accounts from hackers.

Usually, in 2FA, the contact number or the user’s email ID will be included to verify access after logging in with the right password. There is very little that hackers can do to gain access with 2FA.

Do you want to create a 2FA provision for your web services? Book a consultation session for security service with one of our experts at Corpus Christi.

  • 6. Prevent Attacks Through SSH

SSH (Secure Shell) Protocol is one of the common protocols found in IT infrastructure. Hackers mostly use SSH to gain access to the servers by finding out the credentials using brute force.

To prevent such hacks into the server, you have to make the root inaccessible through SSH and use a non-standard port to make it harder for the hackers.

  • 7. Restrict Access from New IP Addresses

To make things difficult for the hackers, you can set up an additional security layer that prevents users from logging in from IP addresses that aren’t the regular ones. Of course, you can let the user authenticate their identity if they are accessing from new IP addresses.

  • 8. Regularly Monitor the Logs

You can use any tool to monitor the server logs and alert the user in case of multiple attempts to access in a short time. You can warn the user to change the password and include stronger security measures like 2FA and unique security answers to reinforce their account.


Since brute force attack is one of the primary hacking techniques, many hackers out there are leveraging it. Any web service provider needs to use a combination of these security techniques to prevent brute force attacks and protect the user accounts.

At LayerOne Networks, we help organizations implement robust IT security against brute force attacks and many other cybersecurity threats. We have been working with many businesses providing security service in Corpus Christi, Texas. Speak with one of our IT security experts to determine how to protect yourself and your users from such cyberattacks.



How Kerberos Authentication Works

If you think that having a strong password is enough for your data security, think again!

Every time you log in to a host using your password, you are exposed to attacks and security threats. If the hackers can get their hands on your password and login as ‘you’, they will have complete access to all your data.

Kerberos is an authentication protocol that prevents unauthorized access. It authenticates the service requests between the users and the hosts through unsafe networks. Kerberos authentication is being used by top global companies like Microsoft Windows, Apple OS, Linux, and Unix.

Kerberos was developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a protection protocol for its own projects in the 1980s. Kerberos was named after Cerberus, which is a Greek mythological creature with three heads. Kerberos was inspired by this name and the three heads signify the client, server, and the Key Distribution Center (KDC).

What are the Components in the Kerberos Environment?

Before we move on to the actual working on Kerberos, let’s take a look at the basic components.


The agents are the principal entities involved in a typical Kerberos workflow.

  • The client is the person who initiates the request for communication.
  • The application server hosts the service that the client requests.

Key Distribution Center (KDC) consists of three parts for authentication: A database (DB), the Authentication Server (AS), and the Ticket Granting Server (TGS).


The tickets are the communications of permission sent to the users for performing a set of actions on Kerberos. There are two types:

  • Ticket Granting Service (TGS) is encrypted with the service key and used to authenticate a service.
  • Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) is issued by the authentication server to the client for requesting the TGS.

Encryption Keys

Kerberos handles several keys that are encrypted securely to prevent The authentication server issues ticket Granting Ticket (TGT)corruption or access by hackers. Some of the encryption keys used in the Kerberos are:

  • User key
  • Service key
  • Session key
  • Service session key
  • KDC key

How Kerberos Authentication Works?

How Kerberos Authentication Works

The prime purpose of Kerberos authentication is to secure the access of a user in service through a series of steps that prevent security threats and password access. Essentially, the user needs to access a network server to get access to a file.

You can go to any company offering managed IT services to implement Kerberos encryption. Even so, it’s essential to have a basic idea of how security is implemented and how the data access is encrypted. So, here’s are the steps of Kerberos security and authentication:

1. Initial Authentication Request from the Client

As the client tries to login to the server, they send an authenticator to the KDC requesting a TGT from the authentication server.

This authenticator has information like the password, the client ID, as well as the date and time of authentication request. Part of the message with the password is encrypted, which the other part is plain text.

2. KDC Checks the Credentials

KDC is the Kerberos server that validates the credentials received from the client. The server first decrypts the authenticator message and checks against the database for the client’s information and the availability of the TGS.

After finding both these information, the server then generates a secret key for the user using the password hash. It then generates a TGT that contains the information about the client credentials like client ID, date and time stamp, the network address and a few more authentication details. Finally, the secret key is encrypted with a password that the server only knows and sends to the client.

The TGT is then stored in the Kerberos for a few hours. If the system crashes, the TGTs won’t be stored anywhere.

3. The Decryption of the Key by the Client

The client decrypts the message received from the KDC by using the secret key. The client’s TGT is then authenticated and the message is extracted.

4. Using TGT to Access Files

If the client wants to access specific files on the server, it sends a copy of the TGT and the authenticator to the KDC requesting access.

When KDC receives this message, it notices that the client is already authenticated. So, it decrypts the TGT using the encryption password to check if it matches.

If the password is validated, then it considers it to be a safe request.

5. Creation of Ticket for File Access

To allow the client to access the specific files requested, KDC generates another ticket. It then encrypts the ticket with the secret key and the method of accessing the files is included in this ticket.

This ticket now lies in the Kerberos tray for the next eight hours. This means the client can access the file server as long as the ticket is valid.

6. Authentication Using the Ticket

The client decrypts the message using the key and this generates a new set of client information, including client ID, date and time stamp and network address.

This is sent to the server in the form of an encrypted service ticket. The server decrypts the ticket and checks if the client’s details match the authenticator and within the file access validity. Once the details match, the server sends a message of verification to the client.

Wrapping Up

Kerberos authentication is regularly updated to meet the new security threats. It is one of the top-used authentications by the tech giants, which means it’s been authenticated against rigorous security attacks. If you want to protect your server and your user data from the prying eyes of unscrupulous people, then go for Kerberos encryption.

Our data experts at LayerOne Networks can help you implement such security and authentication protocols to protect your data. Reach out to us for managed IT services and securing your company from any online security vulnerabilities.

Cloud Services

What is Cloud Monitoring? Benefits and Best Practices

Are you using any cloud computing services for storage and processing?

Then you should definitely be aware of cloud monitoring solutions.

Cloud monitoring is the process of monitoring and managing cloud computing resources to ensure seamless operations. Usually, cloud monitoring requires automated and manual tools to review, analyze, and report the performance of various servers, applications, software, and sites present on the cloud. 

Conducting regular cloud monitoring sessions helps in maintaining the various cloud infrastructure in its best health and avoid unnecessary expenditure and security issues. 

In this blog, we’ll take a detailed look at what cloud monitoring could practically mean for businesses using cloud platforms.

Why Cloud Monitoring is Necessary?

Cloud Monitoring

Many IT consulting firms stress the importance of cloud monitoring solutions due to its long-term benefits. Some use cloud monitoring as a part of a bigger cloud management strategy to get a complete view of the operations and performance of the cloud. And some others use standalone cloud monitoring tools solely for performance and security. 

Whatever is the case, cloud monitoring is a prime necessity for organizations due to a number of reasons:

Proactive Approach

With automated cloud monitoring tools, you can find out the anomalies and emerging issues in the cloud before they become bigger. Often, these cloud monitoring tools have the ability to detect these issues before they become full-blown into a serious one. This way, you can considerably cut down a lot of money required to fix a major issue instead of resolving them when it’s smaller.


Cybersecurity is one of the top priorities of any business having an IT infrastructure. With a considerable portion of your IT system on the cloud, it’s crucial to have a strong cybersecurity system in place. 

The cloud monitoring tools double as a cybersecurity tool to recognize the breaches in the networks. With monitoring tools, you can keep a constant eye on your cloud’s security and take immediate action when vulnerabilities are detected.

You can identify the breaches and cyber attacks in the network as soon as possible and take action before the damage is immense.

Read More: Top 8 Cybersecurity Trends to Watch Out for in 2023

Quick Problem Resolution

One great advantage of using cloud monitoring solutions is the ease of figuring out the root cause of an issue. 

You may have several cloud infrastructure present and it can be hard to find out the specific point from where the problem arises. And as time passes, most IT issues become bigger and bigger. 

Since the cloud monitoring tools have an integrated control panel, it’s easy for the IT maintenance and support team to take one look at the dashboard and quickly trace the origin of an issue. This could save so much time, energy, resources and money when the problems can be analyzed and traced in a very short time.

Host-Maintained Tools

Both the hardware and software of the cloud monitoring tools entirely rests with a separate host. Therefore, even when there are issues in your local IT infrastructure, the cloud monitoring system doesn’t get impacted. 

Furthermore, you can scale up your cloud monitoring needs when your organization grows. You need to spend additional resources to procure hardware and install the software. Like the cloud service providers, you can seamlessly increase your cloud monitoring tools and continue using the platform without any interruptions.

Best Practices of Cloud Monitoring

Cloud Monitoring

If you’re planning to implement cloud monitoring in your organization, you need to be aware of a few best practices for efficient implementation.

  • Be clear on what needs to be monitored – Often, companies make the mistake of monitoring everything and anything they can get their hands-on. This could only complicate matters and steal focus from the crucial metrics that need attention. So prioritize those metrics that should be regularly monitored on the cloud computing platform.
  • Monitor the user experience metricsYou need to be aware of how user-friendly the platform is. So, when you decide on the few metrics to monitor, make sure to include response time, performance metrics and ease of access.
  • Collect the data to a single platformSpreading your data into different platforms can be the worst mistake you can ever make. Bring all the data to a single platform for easy and quick observation of the metrics.
  • Separate the monitoring dataWhen you store your cloud monitoring data with your local system, you cannot access it when there’s a local issue. So, keep your monitoring data separate from the other systems for maximum efficiency.

  • Automate the monitoringSince the data rests on the cloud, you can script the cloud monitoring tool to run automatically and send you notifications when there’s any issue or anomaly.

  • Keep an eye on the cloud service use and fees – Since cloud monitoring tools are flexible and scalable, your costs can increase when the usage scales up. The monitoring tool should calculate the usage on the platform and its appropriate costs to keep informed.

Wrapping Up

Since the infrastructure of the cloud service providers is already known, it’s easy to install, implement and customize the cloud monitoring tools. By providing central access to monitor the operations, functionalities and performance of the cloud, you can avoid issues that would otherwise become a major thorn in your IT system. 

At LayerOne Networks, we offer cloud computing services along with data security and network support to keep your applications, software, servers and other infrastructure on the cloud up and running in its best state. Reach out to us to get a free quote of our cloud monitoring solutions.